
Real Estate

Showing 1–12 of 136 results

  • Property Complex of SOE “Nepolokivtsi Grain Processing Plant”

    Start price:217 389 685

    The object is located on a state-owned land plot, incl. with an area of ​​18.5596 hectares located at the address: Chernivtsi Oblast, Nepolokivtsi urban-type settlement, Magistralna St., land plot #43, cadastral number – 7322555700:01:002:0151. Purpose of the land plot: for the placement and operation of main, subsidiary and auxiliary buildings and structures of processing, engineering and other industries. The main activity is the manufacture of grain mill products.

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  • Property complex of SOE “Bdzhilʹnyanskyi spyrtovyi zavod” (distillery)

    Start price:68 488 750

    Property complex of SOE “Bdzhilʹnyanskyi spyrtovyi zavod” (distillery) located at the following address: 23840, Vinnytsia Oblast, Haisyn Raion, Bdzhilna village, 53, Zavodska St.

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  • Property complex of SOE “Zarubyntsi distillery”

    Start price:219 135 738

    The property complex of the SOE “Zarubyntsi distillery”, located at the address: Ternopil Oblast, Ternopil (Zbarazh) Rayon, Zarubyntsi village.

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  • Property complex of SOE “Hotel “Ukraina”

    Start price:1 047 637 152

    Property complex of SOE “Hotel “Ukraina” (USREOU code 22926100), located at the address: 4, Heroiv Nebesnoi Sotni Alley, Kyiv city, Ukraine, 01001. Business activity: hotels and similar accommodation.

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  • Property complex of state institution “State Institute of Labor and...

    Start price:839 000

    2 objects of immovable property are part of the complex: non-residential premises located in a building (an architectural monument) in the city of Kharkiv, 1 Sumska St. and the garage at Kharkiv, 7 Lazkivskiy Ave. The property is partially leased. The value of assets as of June 30, 2022 is UAH 701,000.

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  • Property complex of SOE “Design and Technology Bureau”

    Start price:5 548 200

    Єдиний майновий комплекс державного підприємства “Проектно-конструкторське технологічне бюро” за адресою: м. Львів, вул. Данилишина, 4.

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  • Property complex of SOE “Odesa Research and Design Institute of...

    Start price:4 987 300

    Єдиний майновий комплекс державного підприємства “Одеській науково-дослідний та проектний інститут землеустрою” за адресою: м.Одеса, вул. Космонавтів, 34.

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  • Property complex of the state motor vehicle enterprise “Avtomehbaza”

    Start price:31 893 640

    Єдиний майновий комплекс державного автотранспортного підприємства “Автомехбаза”, який складається з комплексу будівель та споруд за адресою: м. Київ, пров. Лабораторний, 7-А.

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  • Property complex of SOE “Ternopil Research and Design Institute of...

    Start price:3 061 278

    Єдиний майновий комплекс державного підприємства “Тернопільський науково-дослідний та проектний інститут землеустрою” (код ЄДРПОУ 00485517), що знаходиться за адресою: Тернопільська обл., м. Тернопіль, вул. Лисенка, буд. 20А.

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  • Property complex of the state owned enterprise “Brailiv juice factory”


    The average registered number of employees as of 31.03.2024 is 2 people. The main type of economic activity according to the Charter is manufacture of fruit and vegetable juice. The volume of sales of products (works, services) for the period 2021 – Q1 2024 is UAH 121.50 thousand, including export – UAH 0 thousand. Main range of products: UAH 0 thousand, including export: UAH 0 thousand. The company has not been operating since 2007.

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  • Separate property of Martynivka operating location and alcohol storage of...


    Separate property of Martynivka operating location and alcohol storage of SOE “UKRSPYRT” at address: Vinnytsia region, Zhmerynskyi district, Martynivka village, M. Yazhuka St., 20 (Lenina, 1).

    The list consists of 532 items of buildings, equipment, transport and other property and is attached by a separate file.

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  • Property complex of SOE “Skadovskyi morskyi torhovelnyi port” (Skadovsk sea...


    Location: Skadovsk, Mangubinska St., 2.

    Average number of employees: 38 people.

    According to the EDRPOU, the main activities of the company are: ancillary services for water transport, extraction of sand, gravel, clay and kaolin, non-specialized wholesale trade, other types of retail trade outside of stores.

    According to the enterprise, it’s land plot is 5.9543 hectares. There are no documents for the land plot.

    According to the Extract from the State Register of Property Rights, the ownership of 55 real estate units was registered with the enterprise.

    There is a lease agreement dated 17.07.2019 № 1972 on individually identified real estate of the Khorlivsky sea trade point, which is part of the SOE as a separate operational unit, at the address: Kherson region, Kalanchak district, Horly village, Naberezhna St., 2, was signed for 20 years.

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