
Real Estate

Showing 121–132 of 133 results

  • Non-residential premises with a total area of 710 sq.m (second...


    Non-residential premises, which consists of 2 main non-residential premises and 3 auxiliary ones. The floor was added in 2009. The entrance is arranged by an open metal staircase.

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  • Property complex of Zhytomyr State Experimental Prosthetic and Orthopedic Enterprise


    Єдиний майновий комплекс Житомирського державного експериментального протезно-ортопедичного підприємства за адресою: Житомирська обл., м. Житомир, вул. Гоголівська, 103. Вид діяльності за КВЕД: 32.50 – Виробництво медичних і стамотологічних інструментів і матеріалів. Балансова вартість станом на 31.12.2022 – 12 282,00 тис. грн. До складу ЄМК входить: адміністративно-виробнича будівля (літ. А) загальною площею 2297,9 кв.м, гараж (літ. Б) загальною площею 131,5 кв.м, господарська споруда (літ. В) загальною площею 10,6 кв.м, автотранспорт, виробниче обладнання, інвентар. Земельна ділянка площею 0,3572 га, кадастровий номер 1810136600:03:001:0038.

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  • Recreation center for 20 people


    The level of construction readiness is 70%. The facility is located on a plot of land in the first zone (strict regime zone) of sanitary protection of mineral springs No. 1c and No. 13. The object is an unfinished construction of a two-story building with an attic in different levels. The building area is 300.4 square meters. The volume is 1771 cubic meters. Utilities: water supply, sewage, heating and electric lighting are absent. The object is not conserved, not fenced, which contributes to the destruction of the building. The foundation is collapsing, the walls are crumbling, and the bricks are largely broken. On the construction site, there are no materials, products, structures that are not used for construction, as well as equipment that has not been handed over for installation or that needs to be installed.

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  • PJSC “Kharkivenergozbut”


    Державний пакет акцій розміром 65,001 відсотка статутного капіталу приватного акціонерного товариства “Харківенергозбут” (код згідно з ЄДРПОУ 42206328), що становить 166 754 183 штук акцій номінальною вартістю 3 335,08366 тис. грн. Розмір статутного капіталу приватного акціонерного товариства “Харківенергозбут” (код згідно з ЄДРПОУ 42206328) – 5 130 815,20 грн. Основний вид діяльності – торгівля електроенергією.

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  • State block of shares in the amount of 50% +...


    State block of shares in the amount of 50% + 1 share in the authorized capital of PJSC “Rivne Radio Engineering Plant”, amounting to 22,423,190 shares, USREOU code 14314989, at the address:  Rivne city, 25 Danyla Halytskoho St.

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  • Separate property of Dubovyazivka operating location and alcohol storage of...


    Окреме майно Дубов’язівського місця провадження діяльності та зберігання спирту ДП «Укрспирт», розташоване за адресами: Сумська область, Конотопський район, смт Дубов’язівка, вул. Петра Лусти, 38-б; Сумська область, Конотопський район, смт Дубов’язівка, вул. Шевченка, 17-а:; Сумська область, Конотопський район, смт Дубов’язівка, вул. Петра Лусти, 38-а; Сумська область, Конотопський район, смт Дубов’язівка, вул. Петра Лусти, 38.

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  • Property complex of SOE “Chechelnytskyi distillery plant”


    Property complex of  SOE “Chechelnytskyi distillery plant”, USREOU code 05459176, located at the address: 24800, Vinnytsia Oblast, Haisyn Rayon, Chechelnyk urban-type settlement, 17, Parkova St. The property complex includes 44 units of immovable property, 37 units of movable property and 17 vehicles. The property is not registered. Land plots on which the enterprise is located are not part of the privatization object.

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  • Property complex of SOE Kyiv State Plant «Burevisnyk»


    Єдиний майновий комплекс державного підприємства «Київський державний завод «Буревісник».

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  • Property Complex of SOE “Kolomyia district architectural planning design and...


    Property complex of the state owned enterprise at the address: 78200, Ivano-Frankivsk Oblast, Kolomyia Rayon, Kolomyia town, 40, Franka Ivana St.

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  • Lybid Investment Union LLC

    Kyiv city

    State share of 66.65% in the authorised capital of Lybid Investment Union LLC (USREOU code 34693827). The authorised capital of the company is UAH 172,761,926.78. The main type of economic activity is rental and operating of own or leased real estate.

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  • Property Complex of SOE “Nepolokivtsi Grain Processing Plant”


    The object is located on a state-owned land plot, incl. with an area of ​​18.5596 hectares located at the address: Chernivtsi Oblast, Nepolokivtsi urban-type settlement, Magistralna St., land plot #43, cadastral number – 7322555700:01:002:0151. Purpose of the land plot: for the placement and operation of main, subsidiary and auxiliary buildings and structures of processing, engineering and other industries. The main activity is the manufacture of grain mill products.

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  • Property complex of state-owned commercial enterprise “Dnipropetrovsk experimental prosthetic and...


    The object is a property complex of state-owned commercial enterprise “Dnipropetrovsk experimental prosthetic and orthopedic enterprise” (USREOU code 03187660). The main activity of the enterprise is the manufacture of medical and dental instruments and supplies (type of activity according to the NACE code: 32.50).

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