On November 12, the online auction on privatization of SE “Electronmash” will be held in Kyiv city. Within the framework of small privatization, the starting price of the object is set at the level of the carrying amount – UAH 66.7 million, and the market value of the asset will be determined by open bidding. After privatization, the asset will receive an effective private owner, investment and new opportunities for development.
This was stated by Dmytro Sennychenko, Chairman of the State Property Fund of Ukraine.
“Electronmash” has come a long way from prosperity to total decline. Unfortunately, in the 1990s, the authorities failed to privatize the plant, which could save it from destruction. But now there is a chance to fix everything. We expect from the auction not only to receive funds to the state budget, but also significant investments in the restoration and development of the enterprise itself,” – Dmytro Sennychenko stressed.
“Electronmash” started its work in 1960 as a plant “Radioprylad”. He produced electronic computing machines. The company created a technical school and technical college. In 1967, at the international technical fair in German Leipzig city it was presented a wide-purpose car “Dnipro”, which was created by “Electronmash”. It was used during a joint Soviet-American space flight Apollo-Soyuz in 1975. These devices were controlled by a large screen in the demonstration hall of the Flight Control Center. “Electronmash” products became indispensable during the XXI Summer Olympic Games in 1980. Then, on the basis of the M4030-1 computer, designed by the Kyiv plant, an effective control system was created.
Time from the late 70’s to the mid-80’s of the twentieth century became the largest productive period in the history of “Electronmash”. At that time, the plant employed more than 10,000 highly qualified specialists.
After the Chornobyl disaster, “Electronmash” capacities were thrown at the production of electronic electronic boards that remotely controlled the equipment in the process of elimination of the consequences of the accident. Thus, the plant helped protect the health and lives of thousands of people.
In 1988, “Electronmash” produced its first personal computer, “Poisk-1”. It had 128 kilobytes of RAM. Later, the plant released updated versions of the computer “Poisk-2” and “Poisk-3”.
In the late 80’s, many specialists of “Electronmash” went abroad. Together with the loss of personnel, the plant lost its competitiveness.
The last surge of activity was associated with the production of cash registers. But they had very low quality and could not withstand competition with foreign counterparts.
When the company was already actually destroyed and had more than 10 million UAH of debts, unclean dealers interested in it, who wanted to take it for nothing, they were only interested in land. In 2017, a raider attack began using titushki and armored personnel carriers. Fortunately, the plant managed to defend itself.
Currently, the State Property Fund is leading the plant to fair privatization, which will give “Electronmash ” a chance for a second life.