On February 18, 2021, the online auction on privatization of separate property – office premises, located at the central part of Lviv, on 9, Lemkivska Street, will take place.
The privatization object is a one-storey building with the total area of 180.3 sq. m., it doesn’t function, needs repair and can be used by investor at his own discretion.
The asset is situated at a land plot with an area of 0.0701 ha that is in constant use according to the State certificate ЯЯ№189388 dated 09.03.2005.
The starting price is UAH 2, 419, 581, accepting applications for participation in the online auction will last until February 17, 2021.
For more detailed information on the real estate, located at: 9, Lemkivska Street, Lviv, please, follow the link: https://bit.ly/2MFIzY8