Showing 1–12 of 20 results
PJSC “Odesa Portside Plant”
Region:OdesaДержавний пакет акцій розміром 99,5667 % статутного капіталу акціонерного товариства “Одеський припортовий завод” (код згідно з ЄДРПОУ 00206539), що становить 795 083 903 штуки акцій номінальною вартістю 795 083 903 грн. Розмір статутного капіталу – 798 544 000 грн. Основний вид діяльності – виробництво добрив і азотних сполук.
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Property complex of SOE “TVK”
Region:OdesaThe main activity of the enterprise: provision of other individual services
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Property complex of SOE “Energy installation train №754”
Region:OdesaThe complex includes an office at the address: Odesa, 15a Seminary Street, and a production base at the address: Odesa Oblast, Ovidiopol District, Avangard smt., 5 Bazova Street.
The office of the enterprise with an area of 147.2 square meters is located in part of the basement of a 5-story residential building at the address: Odesa, 15a, Seminarska Street.
The production base includes buildings and structures with a total area of 1,507.0 sq.m., including:
– Buildings: office-red corner with a total area of 129.7 sq.m., put into operation in 1973, one-story wooden frame-panel construction; garage with a total area of 391.2 sq.m., commissioned in 1976, one-story, stone; brick warehouse with a total area of 184.1 sq.m., year of commissioning – 1964; porch with a total area of 38.6 sq.m., year of commissioning – 1973; metal canopy with a total area of 229.1 sq.m., year of commissioning – 2008; workshop-warehouse for domestic stone works with a total area of 193.1 sq.m., year of commissioning – 1989; RUK-20 stone warehouse with a total area of 246.9 sq.m., year of commissioning – 1964; repair stone with a total area of 325.6 sq.m., year of commissioning – 1976; metal canopy with a total area of 216.1 sq.m., year of commissioning – 2008; stone forge with a total area of 36.4 sq.m., year of commissioning – 1964.
– Buildings: fence with gates; paving
– Vehicles, machines, equipment, inventory – 38 units.The property of the enterprise is located on a land plot of 1.4305 hectares in the area of 7 km of the Ovidiopolska road, it is provided with access roads, energy supply, the territory is fenced. Cadastral number: 5123755200:02:002:0614.
Land category: industrial land. Purpose: for placement and operation of the main, ancillary and auxiliary buildings and structures of the enterprise. There are no restrictions and encumbrances on the land plot.The enterprise has not been engaged in production since 2014. The enterprise does not emit and release polluting substances into the natural environment.
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Passenger pavilion in Luzanivka
Region:OdesaThe facility is a pavilion with an area of 13.14 sq.m. with an open area of 812.54 sq.m. located around the pavilion.
The object is registered. Registration number: 51506550. Date of registration: 22.12.2015. The object is currently leased.Auction date: -
Property complex of SOE “Repair and Construction Site “Agros”
Region:OdesaThe object includes the following real estate (year of commissioning; area):
1) production building (1994; 65.6 sq.m);
2) locksmith building (1995; 86.9 sq.m);
3) assembly building (1995; 138.8 sq.m);
4) carpentry building (1995; 312.9 sq.m);
5) warehouse building (1995; 91.5 sq.m);
6) utility building (1994; 101.7 sq.m);
7) administrative and production building (1994; 156.3 sq.m);
8) auxiliary warehouse building (1987; 13.1 sq. m);
9) common household building (1987; 157.9 sq.m);
10) 4 canopies with areas of 6.7 sq.m, 65.1 sq.m, 99.5 sq.m, 23.5 sq.m, gates, paving.
For 6 years the company does not perform any work and does not provide services to agricultural producers.
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Property complex of SOE “Regional research and experimental complex”
Region:До складу нерухомого майна державного підприємства входять господарчий майданчик, під’їзна дорога, кіоск, башня Рожновського, інкубаційний цех, дамби, шлюз регульований, залізобетонний причал, склад кормів, верховини, склад кормів, гараж, будинки рибака, вбиральня, будівлі лабораторії, льодовика, вагової, навіси, басейн, огорожа.
Нерухоме майно підприємства розташовано в Біляївському р-ні, Роздільнянському р-ні.
Property complex of SOE “Kotovsky Winery”
Region:До складу ЦМК входить нерухоме та рухоме майно.
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Property complex of SOE “Ukrpostachpresa”
Region:OdesaThe main activities of the enterprice: wholesale trade in other household goods.
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Property complex of SOE “Odesa Research and Development Institute of...
Region:OdesaProperty complex of SOE “Odesa Research and Development Institute of TV Engineering”. The object includes assets and liabilities of the enterprise according to the inventory materials as of 31.09.2021.
Auction date:04.02.2022 -
Integral property complex “Odesavinprom”
Region:OdesaThe integral property complex is leased to PJSC “Odesavinprom”. IPC includes movable and immovable property in the amount of 306 units, including 97 real estate objects (28 units of buildings and structures, as well as 69 amphorae for storing wine, located in the basement (letter P), without changing its area; machines and equipment – 143 units; tools, devices, inventory – 60 units, vehicles – 6 units (1 forklift, 1 lifeboat, cars -4 units (subject to rejection). The property is located at: Odesa,Franchuzskyi Boulevard, 8, 10, 12; Odesa, Nalyvna St., 2; Odesa, Otamana Holovatoho St., 151.
Auction date:14.09.2021 -
Property complex of SOE “Сhornomorskyi Expertise and Technical Center of...
Region:OdesaThe real estate is located at the following addresses: Odesa, Tiraspolska St., 12 and Odesa, Novoselskoho St., 37. The enterprise includes a separate subdivision – Mykolayiv branch of the SOE “Сhornomorskyi Expertise and Technical Center of the State Service for Labor of Ukraine” (USREOU code VP 42644821), at the address: Mykolayiv, Myru Ave. 34, located in a rented premises.
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Property complex of the Children’s Health Camp “Sonyachny”
Region:OdesaThe object of socio-cultural purpose “Property complex of the Children’s Health Camp “Sonyachny” is located at the address: Odesa region, Bilhorod-Dnistrovskyi, Serhiyivka village, Tiras lane, 3. It consists of: dormitory building – letter “A”; dormitory building – letter “B”; dining room – letter “V”; cinema – letter “H”; medical point – letter “D”; reception department – letter “E”; checkpoint – letter “G”, with a total area of 5318.0 sq.m. It is in unsatisfactory condition, requires major overhaul.
Auction date:05.12.2022