

Showing 205–216 of 240 results

  • Property complex of SOE “Cherkasy Expertise and Technical Center of...

    Start price:2 224 700

    The state enterprise is operating. Types of business activities – activity in the field of engineering, geology and geodesy, provision of technical consulting services in these areas (main). Located in a 2-storey brick building with a basement with a total area of ​​1017.7 sq.m. The company has registered: real estate ownership; the right of permanent use of the land plot of 0.1288 ha. The balance sheet of the enterprise accounts for 4 vehicles. Number of employees according to the staff list as of 10.12.2020 – 31 people.

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  • Property complex of SOE “Ukrayinskyi metrologichnyi naukovo-vprovadzhuvalnyi tsentr “Zernoprylad” (Ukrainian...

    Start price:252 599

    Property complex of SOE “Ukrayinskyi metrologichnyi naukovo-vprovadzhuvalnyi tsentr “Zernoprylad” (Ukrainian metrological research and implementation center “Zernoprylad”) at the address: Odesa, Zhukovskyi St., 15. Enterprise consists of only movable property.

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  • Separate property of Lutsk operating location and alcohol storage of...

    Start price:20 693 327

    Separate property of Lutsk operating location and alcohol storage of SOE “UKRSPYRT” at address: Volyn region, Lutsk, Kovelska St., 67; Zaliznychna St., 11.

    The list consists of 1024 items of buildings, equipment, transport and other property.

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  • Property complex of SOE “Zhytomyr Expertise and Technical Center of...

    Start price:2 030 000

    Property complex of SOE “Zhytomyr Expertise and Technical Center of the State Service for Labor of Ukraine” at the address: Zhytomyr, Putyatynskyi Maidan, 2, offices 521, 522. The average number of employees as of 31.12.2020 is 43 people. The main activity, according to the Charter: technical tests and research.

    The volume of sales of products (works, services) for 2020: UAH 9444.0 thousand. The main nomenclature of products for 2020: examination of project documentation – 518 thousand UAH; examination of the state of industrial safety – 1224 thousand UAH; technical inspection – 1070 thousand UAH.

    The object includes fixed assets, including: motor vehicles (7 units), equipment, other movable property in the amount of 244 pieces; other non-current tangible assets in the amount of 622 pieces; other intangible assets in the amount of 14 pieces; stocks – 122 positions.

    Real estate: buildings, structures or their separate parts are not on the balance sheet of the enterprise. There is no land plot.

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  • Non-residential premises (recreation center) consisting of: dormitory building, 1A, 26.54...

    Start price:814 100

    Non-residential premises of the recreation center built in 1984, consisting of: three dormitory buildings; kitchen and billiard room, surrounded by a fence around the perimeter; available communications: electricity, water supply (column), sewerage (cesspool). The general physical condition of the premises is satisfactory. The privatization object is located in the recreational zone on the outskirts of the village of Korobivka.
    Dormitory buildings: wooden houses on brick foundations, asbestos-cement roof, wooden floors, plank floor, linoleum; physical wear 30-40%; the dormitory building (lit. A-1) was restored in 2019. Billiard room with attic: brick house, foundation – concrete, roof – metal; wooden floor; in 2006, at the expense of the tenant, the building was reconstructed; physical wear – 25%. Kitchen: brick foundation and walls, wooden floors, linoleum floor, physical wear – 25%. Fence: in 2019 it was replaced by a brick one with a metal gate, total length – 143.76 m., height 2.0 m: brickwork and cinder blocks; physical wear – 15%.
    The object of privatization, in accordance with the lease agreement dated 30.04.2005 № 249 (as amended), is leased to “Korlis” LLC (USREOU code 38764744), the area of ​​leased property under the lease agreement – 220.38 (245.66) sq. .m., the amount of monthly rent (for January 2021) is UAH5 589.79 without VAT; the term of the contract is until March 2, 2034. The property is leased for the purpose of accommodation of camp sites, motels, summer houses.
    Ownership of the privatization object is registered by the state, represented by the Regional Branch of the State Property Fund of Ukraine in Kyiv, Cherkasy and Chernihiv regions, according to the Extract from the State Register of Real Property Rights dated 18.03.2020, object registration number: 304726271215.
    The privatization object is located on a state-owned land plot with a total area of ​​0.19 ha, cadastral number 7121586201: 02: 004: 0018, purpose – for construction and maintenance of recreational facilities; is leased by “Korlis” LLC, under the land lease agreement dated 20.02.2015, the term of the agreement is 02.03.2034.

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  • Property complex of SOE “Interregional Scientific and Engineering Center for...

    Start price:1 398 027

    Property complex of SOE “Interregional Scientific and Engineering Center for Certification of Quality Systems, Pipes, Cylinders and Other Metal Products “VNITI-TEST” registered at: Dnipro, Pisarzhevsky St., 1-A. The main activity of the enterprise is technical testing and research.

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  • Separate property of Rava-Ruska operating location and alcohol storage of...

    Start price:27 721 554

    Separate property of  Rava-Ruska operating location and alcohol storage of SOE “UKRSPYRT” located at the address: Zhovkva district, Rava-Ruska, 22-Sichnya St., 50. The list of property that is part of the object is attached in a separate file.

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  • Separate property of Ivanky operating location and alcohol storage of...

    Start price:20 372 540

    Separate property of Ivanky operating location and alcohol storage of SOE “UKRSPYRT” located at the addresses: Cherkasy region, Mankiv district, Ivanky village, Robocha St., 4; Cherkasy region, Mankiv district, Ivanky village, Robocha St., 1B; Cherkasy region, Mankiv district, Ivanky village, Klopotovskogo St.,18; Cherkasy region, Mankiv district, Potash village, Pidyzdni kolii St., 1a. The list consists of 743 names of buildings, equipment, movable and other property and is attached by a separate file.

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  • Separate property of Vyshniaky operating location and alcohol storage of...

    Start price:21 176 878

    Separate property of Vyshniaky operating location and alcohol storage of SOE “UKRSPYRT” (alcohol production) at addresses: Poltava region, Khorol district, Vyshniaky village, Zavodska St., 1; Poltava region, Khorol district, Khorol, Molodizhna St., 25.

    The list consists of 642 names of buildings, equipment, movable and other property and is attached by a separate file.

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  • Property complex of SOE “Chernivtsi Expertise and Technical Center of...

    Start price:1 950 000

    8/100 of the ideal shares of the household consist of part of the corridor of ​​76.10 sq.m., corridor of ​​2.20 sq.m., storeroom of ​​1.60 sq.m., toilets of ​​8.80 sq.m., toilets of ​​16.60 sq.m., office of ​​17.00 sq.m., office of ​​13.90 sq.m., office of ​​16.00 sq.m., corridor of ​​5.40 sq.m., office of ​​14.80 sq.m., office of ​​30.80 sq.m., office of ​​12.10 sq.m., storeroom of ​​18.50 sq.m., office of ​​17.70 sq.m., office of ​​32.20 sq.m. storeroom of ​​11.90 sq.m., office of ​​16.40 sq.m., office of ​​14.80 sq.m., office of ​​16.10 sq.m., office of ​​15.60 sq.m., staircase of ​​15.70 sq.m., which a total area of ​​374.50 sq.m., which are located on the third floor of the administrative building at the address: Chernivtsi, Zelena St., 3.

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  • Property complex of SOE “Volyn Expertise and Technical Center of...

    Start price:2 340 604

    Property complex of SOE “Volyn Expertise and Technical Center of the State Service for Labor of Ukraine” at the address: Volyn region, Lutsk, Kravchuka St., 22v.

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  • Separate property of the state institution “Lviv correctional facility (#48)”...

    Start price:132 674 304

    Separate property of the State Institution “Lviv correctional facility (#48)” at the address: Lviv, Khutorivka St., 2. The list of property that is part of the object is attached by a separate file.

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