Property complex of SOE “Zhovtnevyi spyrtovyi zavod”

Category: Status: Auction resolved. Contract signed
Start price:

31 238 703

Winner price:

₴85 000 001

The main type of activity is 20.14 Production of other basic organic chemicals. The balance sheet value of assets as of September 30, 2022 is UAH 31,520,000. Objects that are not subject to privatization: two protective structures of civil defense and a dormitory (house). The composition of YEMK inventory objects includes: buildings and structures in the amount of 93 units, with a total area of ​​13,502.7 square meters. m.; vehicles – 23 units (not available – 9 units, missing documents for 14 units of equipment); equipment, equipment, inventory and other movable property – 506 units. The enterprise has 7 land plots with a total area of ​​90,1994 hectares, which belong to the state-owned enterprise with the right of permanent use.

Object documentation

Take part in the auction


Name of the privatization object: property complex of SOE “Zhovtnevyi spyrtovyi zavod”.

Location: Poltava Region, Poltava District, Karlivka, st. Poltavska, 3.

USREOU code (ЄДРПОУ): 00374829.

The average number of employees as of 30.09.2022: 76 people.

Main activity, according to the Statute: production of other basic organic chemicals.

The volume of sales of products (works, services) for the period 2019 – 9 months of 2022: UAH 337 779 thousand, including export – UAH 0 thousand.

Main product range: multifunctional thinner.

Volume and main nomenclature of products (works, services):

Total income, thousand UAH Income by main activity, thousand UAH
2019 88 0
2020 59 557 59 532
2021 162 078 160 260
9m of 2022 158 072 157 987

The main indicators of economic activity for the last three years and for the last reporting period:

Indicators Unit 2019 2020 2021 9 months of 2022
1. Assets

(form #1, line 1300)

thousand UAH 3 369 17 126 47 449 31 520
1.1 Non-current assets thousand UAH 3 174 10 391 11 627 13 251
1.1.1 Book value of intangible assets thousand UAH 0 0 34 34
1.1.2 Book value of unfinished capital investments thousand UAH 1 326 1 332 1 410 2 442
1.1.3 Book value of fixed assets thousand UAH 1 848 9 059 10 183 10 775
1.1.4 Long-term financial investments thousand UAH 0 0 0 0
1.2 Current assets thousand UAH 495 6 735 35 882 18 269
1.2.1 reserves thousand UAH 203 1056 17 342 6 137
1.2.2 total receivables

(form No. 1,
line 1125+1130+1135+1140+1145+1155)

thousand UAH 266 5668 13 940 7 649
1.2.3 money

(form No. 1, line 1165)

thousand UAH 16 11 1 390 209
2. Passives thousand UAH 3 669 17 126 47 449 31 520
2.1 Equity

(form No. 1, line 11495)

thousand UAH -19 626 -37 263 -46 682 -48 891
2.2 Long-term liabilities

(form No. 1, line 1595)

thousand UAH 0 621 1 064 813
2.3 Current liabilities, including: thousand UAH 23 295 53 768 93 067 79 598
2.3.1 current payables are total

(form No. 1, line 1695 – 1660 – 1665 – 1670)

thousand UAH 23 295 53 768 93 067 79 598
2.4 Overdue payables, including for: thousand UAH 8 450,8 53 258,6 91 796 67 067,6
2.4.1 payroll calculations thousand UAH 786,8 479,6 351,6 837,2
2.4.2 calculations before the budget thousand UAH 7 630,8 5 882,4 8 757,4 587,7
2.4.3 insurance calculations thousand UAH 33,2 18,6 18,6 18,6
2.4.4 payments for goods, works, services thousand UAH 0 28 503 50 325 40 836,9
2.4.5 Other payables thousand UAH 0 18 375,0 32 343,4 24 787,2
3. Income of all, including: thousand UAH 88 59 557 162 078 158 072
3.1 Net income from the sale of products (goods, works, services) thousand UAH 0 59 532 160 260 157 987
3.2 Other operating income thousand UAH 88 25 1 818 85
3.3 Other financial income thousand UAH 0 0 0 0
4. Costs of everything, including: thousand UAH 3 121 75 277 171 278 160 301
4.1 Cost of goods sold (goods, works, services) thousand UAH 0 54 645 157 247 149 005
4.2 Administrative expenses thousand UAH 3 121 5 279 7 541 6 603
4.3 Selling expenses thousand UAH 0 0 0 0
4.4 Other operating expenses thousand UAH 0 15 073 6 490 4 693
4.5 Other expenses thousand UAH 0 280 0 0
4.6 Income tax expenses thousand UAH 0 0 0 0
5. Net profit (loss) +,- thousand UAH -3 033 – 17 637 -9 200 – 2 229
6. Average number of all employees person 6 65 76 76
7. The wage fund of all employees thousand UAH 358 9566,1 13 751 10 937
8. Average monthly salary UAH 4 972,2 12 264,2 15 077,9 15 989,8

As of 30.09.2022:

Overdue payables – UAH 67,067,648.41, including:

  • salary arrears – UAH 837,164.63;
  • social insurance – UAH 18,573.49;
  • EUV, preferential pensions – UAH 172,008.39;
  • personal income tax – UAH 152,242.43;
  • military levy – UAH 16,007.31;
  • land tax – UAH 247,421.10;
  • goods, works, services – UAH 40,836,979.91;
  • financial assistance – UAH 760,000.00;
  • other payables – UAH 24,027,251.15.

Current accounts payable – UAH 12,531,316.19, including:

  • salary arrears – UAH 797,239.40;
  • personal income tax – UAH 172,750.03;
  • military levy – UAH 14,395.89;
  • EUV – UAH 199,873.62;
  • land tax – UAH 123,710.55;
  • VAT – UAH 1,092,163.46;
  • goods, works, services – UAH 609,478.84;
  • other payables – UAH 9,521,704.40.


Privatization conditions:

  • repayment of debts on wages, before the budget within 6 months;
  • preventing the dismissal of employees during 6 months.

Time and place of the object inspection: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., lunch break from 12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m., according to the location of the object, at the address: Poltava Region, Poltava District, Karlivka, St. Poltavska, 3.

Responsible persons: Skubak Andrii Volodymyrovych, phone: 0661680533; Oleksandr Oleksandrovich Pavlenko, phone: 0954693410; Koval Ivan Mykhailovych, phone: 0506146774; e-mail:

Auction organizer: Regional branch of the State Property Fund of Ukraine for Poltava and Sumy regions, address: Poltava, str. Nebesnaya Sotna, 1/2, website address: Working hours: from 8:00 a.m. to 5:15 p.m. (except weekends), on Fridays from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., lunch break from 12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m.

Contact person of the auction organizer: Iryna Shevchuk. Telephone for inquiries (0532)500612.

Additional information

Bid date 07.12.2022
Asset address Ukraine, 39503, Poltava region, Poltava district, Karlivka, st. Poltavska, 3
Region Poltava
Balance holder Property complex of SOE “Zhovtnevyi spyrtovyi zavod”, USREOU code (ЄДРПОУ): 00374829.
Type of activity according to NACE 20.14 Production of other basic organic chemicals (main);
10.89 Production of other food products, not classified in other groups;
11.01 Distillation, rectification and mixing of alcoholic beverages;
20.42 Production of perfumes and cosmetics;
20.59 Production of other chemical products, n. in. and. in.
Contact person for the object Iryna Shevchuk, +38 053 250 06 12,
The act by which the object is included in the List of privatization objects Order of the State Property Fund of Ukraine dated January 25, 2022 No. 92 "On Amendments to the Order of the State Property Fund of Ukraine dated January 4, 2022 No. 1 "On Approval of Lists of Small Privatization Objects Subject to Privatization in 2022"
Order of the SPFU RV on the decision on privatization No. 59 dated 01.27.2022
Method of privatization Auction with/without conditions
Initial cost 31 238 703,32
Warranty fee 6 247 740,66
Acceptance of applications to 06/12/2022
Information about the winner ТОВ "ТІКРАЙТ", № 42356826
The price is offered by the winner 85000001.00

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