JSC “United Mining and Chemical Company”

Start price:

3 899 358 000

Державний пакет акцій розміром 100 відсотків статутного капіталу акціонерного товариства “Об’єднана гірничо-хімічна компанія” (код згідно з ЄДРПОУ 36716128), що становить 1 944 000 000 штук акцій, номінальною вартістю 1 944 000 000 грн. Розмір статутного капіталу акціонерного товариства “Об’єднана гірничо-хімічна компанія” (код згідно з ЄДРПОУ 36716128) – 1 944 000 000 грн. Основний вид діяльності – добування руд інших кольорових металів.

Object documentation

Take part in the auction


Business activity: JSC United Mining and Chemical Company specializes in development of titanium-zircon deposits and production of rutile, ilmenite and zircon concentrate, and also concentrate enrichment services.


  • The Malyshevske Deposit (VMMP subsidiary, Dnipropetrovsk Region).
  • The Mezhyrichne Deposit (IMPP subsidiary, Zhytomyr Region).

The company’s subsidiaries are producing and enriching titanium ore in Ukraine and are one of the world’s largest producers of these minerals.

Share proposed for privatization: 100%

Investment advisor:
ВDO Corporate Finance
Vitaliy Strukov, Managing Partner
+38 050 410 50 04


Additional information

Bid date 09.10.2024
Part Capital 100
Asset address 01033, Kyiv city, 35 Zhylianska Street.
Region Kyiv city
Balance holder The State Property Fund of Ukraine
Type of activity according to NACE 07.29 Mining of other non-ferrous metal ores
01.11 Cultivation of grain crops (except rice), legumes and oilseeds
01.19 Cultivation of other annual and biennial crops
02.20 Logging
08.12 Extraction of sand, gravel, clay and kaolin
08.91 Extraction of mineral raw materials for the chemical industry and production of mineral fertilizers
08.99 Extraction of other minerals and development of quarries, n.e.s.
09.90 Provision of auxiliary services in the field of extraction of other minerals and development of quarries
16.10 Sawmill and planing production
85.32 Vocational and technical education
46.72 Wholesale of metals and metal ores
71.20 Technical tests and studies
35.12 Transmission of electricity
41.20 Construction of residential and non-residential buildings
35.14 Trading in electricity
35.23 Gas trade through local (local) pipelines
46.71 Wholesale trade of solid, liquid, gaseous fuels and similar products
Responsible for the preparation of the object Information on the advisor:Limited Liability Company "Corporate Finances BDO"Address: 201/203 Kharkivske high road, floor 10, Kyiv city, 02121Contact persons:Vitalii Strukov, Director/Managing partner, tel. +38 050 410 50 04Oleksandr Nesteruk, Head of Financing Department, tel. +38 067 408 38 42.E-mail: corpfin1@bdo.ua
Contact person for the object Oleksiy Leonidovych Gordienko, +38 (044) tel: +380442003112, gordienko@spfu.gov.ua
The act by which the object is included in the List of privatization objects Order of the Cabinet of Ministers of 16.01.2019 № 36-r
SPFU order on decision-making on privatization of the object Order of the State Property Fund of Ukraine №761 dated 08.06.2018
Method of privatization Auction with/without conditions
Initial cost 3 899 358 000,00
Warranty fee 194 967 900,00
Acceptance of applications to 08/10/2024

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