State block of shares in the amount of 100 percent of the authorized capital of the joint stock company “United Mining and Chemical Company”

Start price:

3 899 358 000

The state block of shares in the amount of 100 percent of the authorized capital of the joint-stock company “United Mining and Chemical Company” (USREOU code 36716128), which is 1,944,000,000 shares, with a par value of UAH 1,944,000,000. The size of the authorized capital of the joint-stock company “United Mining and Chemical Company” (USREOU code 36716128) is UAH 1,944,000,000. The main activity is the mining of other non-ferrous metal ores.

Object documentation

Accepting applications until:

Take part in the auction


Name of the privatization object: state block of shares in the amount of 100 percent of the authorized capital of the joint stock company “United Mining and Chemical Company”.


  • legal address: 3, Surikova St., Kyiv, 03035
  • mailing address: 35, Zhilyanska St., Kyiv, 01033

USREOU code (ЄДРПОУ): 36716128.

The size of the authorized capital of the Company: UAH 1,944,000,000.00 (one billion nine hundred and forty-four million hryvnias). The nominal value of the share is UAH 1.00.

Offered for sale: a block of shares of UMCC JSC in the amount of 1,944,000,000 shares, which is 100% of the authorized capital of the company.

Business activity: Mining of other non-ferrous metal ores (NACE code: 07.29).

The average number of employees as of March 31, 2024: 4203 people.

Volume and main nomenclature of products (works, services):

# Name, main nomenclature of products (works, services) 2021 2022 2023 Q1 2024
Sales volume, tons Income, UAH thousand Sales volume, tons Income, UAH thousand Sales volume, tons Income, UAH thousand Sales volume, tons Income, UAH thousand
1 Zircon concentrate KCZ 19 251 749 829 5019 333 641 2052 134 511 1928 118 628
2 including export 19 207 747 841 5 012 333 116 2 046 133 953 1 927 118 535
3 Zircon concentrate KCP – 63 3 995 176 829 937 64 585 407 31 149 184 12 773
4 including export 3 989 176 539 935 64 462 406 31 051 184 12 773
5 Zircon concentrate KCP – 45 3574 159 771 1373 95 816 470 41 914 293 21 932
6 including export 2 982 130 529 1 247 86 082 171 13 791 245 17 420
7 Rutile concentrate 39 821 1 527 911 18 952 1 078 900 10 607 673 083 2151 135 454
8 including export 35 038 1 331 049 16 890 941 616 8 994 552 713 2 112 132 334
9 Rutile concentrate KRP – 63 60 2 286 15 786 3 216 0 0
10 including export 60 2 286 15 786 3 216 0 0
11 Rutile concentrate KRP – 45 309 11 726 106 6152 202 13 613 148 10 657
12 including export 309 11 726 106 6 152 202 13 613 148 10 657
13 Ilmenite concentrate 327 095 1 834 546 68 523 661 870 91 461 969 509 17853 194 850
14 including export 278 580 1 570 922 62 984 608 354 86 286 911 346 17 764 193 789
15 Kysthene-silimanite concentrate KDSZ 3 570 17 704 1361 9 718 1178 11 379 425 4 130
16 including export 2 679 12 834 1 224 8 454 850 8 289 261 2 586
17 Kysthene-silimanite concentrate KDSP 3 231 19 822 978 10 075 954 11 948 186 2 336
18 including export 1 831 10 965 772 7 813 748 9 408 88 1 136
19 Kysthene-silimanite concentrate KDSP-K 0 0 0 0 215 2559 61 758
20 including export 0 0 0 0 199 2 365 61 758
21 Staurolite concentrate 25 452 57 662 8 046 30 796 3 108 17 189 1738 9 247
22 including export 17 444 37 222 7 421 28 250 2 358 12 249 1 340 6 732
23 Sands 95 148 13 901 95 848 27 412 99 065 27 911 13 914 4 326
24 including export 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

The main financial indicators:

# Indicators

(thousand UAH)

2021 2022 2023 1 quarter 2024
1. Assets 4 389 792 4 604 284 3 899 358 3 811 779
1.1 Fixed assets 1 177 421 982 907 813 810 794 373
1.2 Current assets 2 773 313 3 215 929 2 674 383 2 626 188
2. Equity 2 657 210 2 748 280 2 239 926 2 267 015
3. Total income, including: 4 684 070 2 761 811 2 269 791 729 207
3.1 Net income from sales of products (goods, works, services) 4 589 216 2 300 026 1 946 679 516 570
4. Total costs, including: 4 270 267 2 748 446 2 751 141 699 195
4.1 Cost of goods sold (goods, works, services) 3 107 125 1 681 616 1 507 775 451 777
4.2 Administrative costs 377 527 280 969 254 562 61 457
4.4 Other operating costs 374 487 337 386 458 378 73 815
4.6 Income tax expenses 87 300 12 127 -22 748 27 411
5. Net profit (loss) 413 803 13 365 -481 350 30 012
EBITDA 23 656.8 9 849.4 -2 167.0 2 172.8
EBITDA margin, % 14.0 15.7 -62.1 16.5
Net profit margin, % 9.0 0.6 -107.4 5.8

As of March 31, 2024, at UMCC JSC:

  • there are no arrears of wages or debt to the budget;
  • overdue accounts payable – UAH 609,331.0 thousand.

Real estate objects  data (buildings, structures, non-residential premises): UMCC JSC owns real estate objects (building complexes, buildings, structures) with a total area of ​​332,692.7 m² (VMMP branch of UMCC JSC – 251,780.7 m², IMPP branch of UMCC JSC – 80,912.0 m²), including:

  • industrial buildings with an area of ​​232,597.8 m² (VMMP branch of UMCC JSC – 160,908.7 m², IMPP branch of UMCC JSC – 71,689.1 m²);
  • administrative and auxiliary buildings with an area of ​​21,998.8 m² (VMMP branch of UMCC JSC – 19,668.4 m², IMPP branch of UMCC JSC – 2,330.4 m²);
  • buildings for social and domestic purposes, with an area of ​​21,049.9 m² (VMMP branch of UMCC JSC – 15,361.2 m², IMPP branch of UMCC JSC – 5,688.7 m²);
  • other buildings with an area of ​​57,046.2 m² (VMMP branch of UMCC JSC – 55,842.4 m², IMPP branch of UMCC JSC – 1,203.8 m²).

Information on land plots: 102 registered land plots with a total area of ​​3,333.1987 hectares, including:

  • 53 registered land plots with a total area of ​​1,398.8235 hectares of the IMPP branch;
  • 49 registered land plots with a total area of ​​1,934.3752 hectares of the VMMP branch.

Information on lease agreements concluded for the facility or its part: there are no concluded lease agreements for real estate of UMCC JSC, which are recorded on the company’s balance sheet.

Information on the presence on the balance sheet of the company of objects that are not subject to privatization: UMCC JSC uses state-owned real estate (buildings, structures) (property not included in the authorized capital of UMCC JSC) with a total area of ​​16,278.0 m² (VMMP branch of UMCC JSC – 12,964.6 m², IMPP branch of UMCC JSC  – 3,313.4 m²).

List of available mineral deposits:

  • Mezhyrichne mineral deposit (Osinova, Bukinska and Yurska sites): special permit for subsoil use #6027 of February 11, 2015 (location: Zhytomyr Oblast, Zhytomyr and Korosten Rayons);
  • Selyshchanska site: special permit for subsoil use #5269 of August 27, 2021 (location: Zhytomyr Oblast, Korosten Rayon).
  • Malyshevske mineral deposit (Western, Central and Eastern sites): special permit for subsoil use #6028 of February 20, 2015 (location: Dnipropetrovsk Oblast, Kamiansky Rayon).

Reserves (as of January 01, 2024):

Ilmenite: 3.857k tons, rutile: 194k tons, zircon: 96k tons.

Volumes of emissions and discharges of pollutants into the environment, waste generation and disposal, information on the payment of environmental fees and charges for 2023 – Q1 2024:

  • Emissions and discharges of pollutants, in fact – 12,976.322 tons;
  • Waste generation, in fact – 3,294.887 tons;
  • Environmental fees and charges paid – UAH 1,413.90 thousand.

Mobilization tasks (orders): UMCC JSC has established mobilization tasks (orders).

Privatization conditions:

The buyer of the block of shares is obliged from the date of transfer of ownership of the acquired block of shares to ensure:

  • preservation of the main types of activity of UMCC JSC;
  • implementation of investments in the form of capital investments in technical re-equipment and modernization (including energy modernization) of production in the total amount of at least UAH 400 million. From the date of transfer of ownership of the acquired block of shares and until the total amount of investments is reached, the amount of investments annually must be at least UAH 50 million;
  • fulfillment of mobilization tasks established for the company;
  • payment (if any) within six months from the date of transfer of ownership of the acquired block of shares of debts on wages and to the budget, which exist on the date of transfer of ownership of the acquired block of shares;
  • repayment of overdue accounts payable of the company existing on the date of transfer of ownership of the acquired block of shares, except for debt to individuals and legal entities to which special economic and other restrictive measures (sanctions) have been applied in accordance with the Law of Ukraine “On Sanctions” and persons related to them, as well as creditors whose beneficiaries are citizens/residents of the Russian Federation and/or the Republic of Belarus;
  • prevention of formation of overdue accounts payable on wages and to the budget;
  • prevention of occurrence of tax debt;
  • social guarantees for employees in accordance with the requirements of labor legislation;
  • prevention of dismissal of employees of the privatized company on the initiative of the new owner or the body authorized by him within six months from the date of transfer of ownership of the acquired block of shares;
  • implementation of current collective agreements and conclusion of a new collective agreement (several) for subsequent periods after the end of the current one, as well as employment of laid-off employees of the company in accordance with the legislation;
  • compliance with the requirements and additional restrictions of environmental legislation;
  • implementation of measures for the reclamation of disturbed lands in accordance with the requirements of the legislation;
  • compliance with the level of air pollution in accordance with the emission permits valid in the company, making appropriate changes to the emission permits (if necessary);
  • compliance with the limit of pollutant discharge in accordance with the requirements of water legislation;
  • management of generated waste in accordance with the norms of legislation and in the manner and timeframes established by legislation;
  • development of a project for the conservation and reclamation of the sludge pond in the Morhunka gully and its implementation in accordance with the plans of the company;
  • reconstruction of the existing sewage treatment facilities of the Vilnohorsk Mining and Metallurgical Plant branch during 2025-2027;
  • proper maintenance and storage of state property, which during the creation of the company was not included in its authorized capital, but remained on its balance sheet;
  • maintenance of civil defense protective structures in readiness for use for their intended purpose at the expense of the company’s own funds;
  • provision on a permanent basis of services for the transfer of surface water from the water intake of the dam reservoir on the Irsha River to public utility enterprises – consumers of the settlements of Irshansk, Nova Borova and other urban-type settlements in the area of ​​the company’s activities, to which such supply is carried out on the date of transfer of ownership of the acquired block of shares;
  • provision on a permanent basis of services for the supply of drinking and industrial water to public utility and other consumers of Vilnohorsk, Verkhnyodniprovsk and other settlements in the area of ​​the company’s activities, to which such supply is carried out on the date of transfer of ownership of the acquired block of shares;
  • within 45 calendar days from the date of transfer of ownership of the acquired block of shares, reimbursement by the State Property Fund of expenses for payment of the services of an adviser – BDO Corporate Finance LLC, attracted on the basis of an agreement on the provision of advisor services for preparation for privatization and sale of 100 percent of the shares of United Mining and Chemical Company Joint-Stock Company dated September 3, 2018 No. 224 and in accordance with the Order of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated September 25, 2019 No. 883 “On determining an adviser to provide services for preparation for privatization and sale of a block of shares of United Mining and Chemical Company Joint-Stock Company in the amount of 100 percent of the authorized capital of the company and sources of payment for its services” (account number UA 798201720343150002000005357, State Treasury Service, Kyiv, USREOU code 00032945) in the amount of UAH 12,258,220 (including value added tax of UAH 2,043,036.67) and a variable part of remuneration in the amount of 1 percent of the value of the sold block of shares;
  • direction of dividends to the state budget based on the results of the company’s financial and economic activities in 2024 and for the period that the State owned before the sale, represented by the State Property Fund of Ukraine in 2025, in accordance with the requirements of the law.

The term for fulfilling the buyer’s obligations regarding conditions that do not have a specific period for their fulfillment, except for mobilization tasks, is five years from the date of transfer of ownership of the acquired block of shares to the buyer.

Time and place of the object inspection: on weekdays from 09:00 to 18:00; at the addresses:

  • Head office, 35, Zhylianska St., Kyiv,  contact person: Dmytro A. Kulga, tel. (+38044) 359-02-50.
  • Vilnohirsk Mining and Metallurgical Plant Branch of UMCC JSC, 1, Stepova St., Vilnohirsk towwn, Dnipropetrovsk Oblast, contact person: Stanislav Y. Chebotaryov, Head of the branch, tel. (+3805653) 5-49-50;
  • Irshansk Mining and Processing Plant Branch of UMCC JSC, 1, Shevchenka St., 1, Irshansk urban-type settlement, Zhytomyr Oblast, contact person: Oleksandr M. Bovsun , Acting Head of the branch, tel. (+3804145) 4-53-81.

Information about the adviser: BDO Corporate Finance LLC; address: 201/203, Kharkivske Shose St., 10th floor, Kyiv, 02121; contact persons: Vitaly M. Strukov, tel. +38 (050) 410-50-04; Oleksandr Vю Nesteruk, tel. +38 (067) 408-38-42; e-mail address:

Auction organizer: State Property Fund of Ukraine, address: 18/9, Henerala Almazova St., Kyiv city, website address –

Phone for inquiries: +38044 200-31-12; business hours: Mon-Thurs from 9:00 to 18:00, Fri from 9:00 to 16:45; e-mail:; responsible person: Oleksiy L. Gordienko.

Additional information

Bid date 09.10.2024
Part Capital 100
Asset address 35, Zhylianska Street, Kyiv city, 01033
Region Kyiv city
Balance holder State Property Fund of Ukraine, USREOU code 00032945
Type of activity according to NACE 07.29 Mining of other non-ferrous metal ores
01.11 Cultivation of grain crops (except rice), legumes and oilseeds
01.19 Cultivation of other annual and biennial crops
02.20 Logging
08.12 Extraction of sand, gravel, clay and kaolin
08.91 Extraction of mineral raw materials for the chemical industry and production of mineral fertilizers
08.99 Extraction of other minerals and development of quarries, n.e.s.
09.90 Provision of auxiliary services in the field of extraction of other minerals and development of quarries
16.10 Sawmill and planing production
85.32 Vocational and technical education
46.72 Wholesale of metals and metal ores
71.20 Technical tests and studies
35.12 Transmission of electricity
41.20 Construction of residential and non-residential buildings
35.14 Trading in electricity
35.23 Gas trade through local (local) pipelines
46.71 Wholesale trade of solid, liquid, gaseous fuels and similar products
Responsible for the preparation of the object State Property Fund of Ukraine, USREOU code 00032945
Contact person for the object Oleksiy L. Gordienko, tel: +380442003112,
The act by which the object is included in the List of privatization objects Order of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated 16.01.2019 No. 36-r "On approval of the list of objects of large-scale privatization of state property" (as amended)
SPFU order on decision-making on privatization of the object №761 dated 08.06.2018
Method of privatization Auction with/without conditions
Initial cost 3 899 358 000.00
Warranty fee 194 967 900.00
Acceptance of applications to 08/10/2024

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