Auction with/without conditions
Showing 73–84 of 102 results
Separate property of Ivanky operating location and alcohol storage of...
Region:CherkasySeparate property of Ivanky operating location and alcohol storage of SOE “UKRSPYRT” located at the addresses: Cherkasy region, Mankiv district, Ivanky village, Robocha St., 4; Cherkasy region, Mankiv district, Ivanky village, Robocha St., 1B; Cherkasy region, Mankiv district, Ivanky village, Klopotovskogo St.,18; Cherkasy region, Mankiv district, Potash village, Pidyzdni kolii St., 1a. The list consists of 743 names of buildings, equipment, movable and other property and is attached by a separate file.
Auction date:20.05.2021 -
Single property complex of industrial railway transport of DVAT “Dimitrovvuglevantzhtrans“
Region:DonetskSingle property complex of industrial railway transport of DVAT “Dimitrovvuglevantzhtrans“ at the address: 85323, Donetsk region, Myrnograd, Soborna St., 51. The property complex is leased to “Vuglepromtrans” LLC under a lease agreement dated 24.04.2001 №764. The term of the lease agreement is April 24, 2021.
Auction date:05.11.2021 -
Separate property of the state institution “Lviv correctional facility (#48)”...
Region:LvivSeparate property of the State Institution “Lviv correctional facility (#48)” at the address: Lviv, Khutorivka St., 2. The list of property that is part of the object is attached by a separate file.
Auction date:03.06.2021 -
Separate property of the state institution “Lviv correctional facility (#48)”...
Region:LvivSeparate property of the state institution “Lviv correctional facility (#48)” at the address: Lviv, Khutorivka St., 4.
The list of property that is part of the object is attached by a separate file.Auction date:03.06.2021 -
Property complex of SOE “Eastern Expertise and Technical Center of...
Region:KharkivProperty complex of SOE “Eastern Expertise and Technical Center of the State Service for Labor of Ukraine”, Kharkiv, Chernyshevska St., 72.
Auction date:11.06.2021 -
Property complex of SOE “Radyvyliv grain processing plant”
Region:RivneSOE “Radyvyliv grain processing plant” (USREOU code 00955791), at Rivne region, Radyvyliv district, Radyvyliv, Volkovenka St., 11.
The main activities of the Company are: NACE 10.61. production of the products of flour and cereals industry; NACE 52. warehousing (provision of services for storage of grain, its processing); NACE 36. collection and supply of water to the population.
Auction date:30.08.2021 -
Property complex of SOE “Azov Shipyard”
Region:DonetskThe object includes more than 100 real estate objects, recreation center and property that is not subject to privatization.
Auction date: -
Canteen with equipment (97 units of movable property) consisting of:...
Region:Їдальня з обладнанням (97 одиниць рухомого майна) у складі:
– гараж на території їдальні, інв.№ 127 загальною площею 57,0 кв.м;
– склад на території їдальні інв. № 166 загальною площею 116,2 кв.м;
– склад під обладнання їдальні інв. № 168 загальною площею 50,0 кв.м;
– павільйон ПК – 2У Кострома – кулінарія інв. № 1830 загальною площею 135,1 кв.м;
– їдальня, інв. № 7 загальною площею 2604,5 кв.м;
– асфальтова площадка біля складу їдальні №1 інв. № 215.
Об’єкт розташований за адресою: Запорізька обл., м. Запоріжжя, Дніпровське шосе, 9Auction date: -
The group of inventory objects consists of: administrative and production...
Region:TernopilNon-residential premises with a total area of 1171.6 sq.m, wall material – brick and fixed assets in the amount of 25 pieces.
Auction date:17.08.2021 -
Integral property complex “Odesa Champagne Factory”
Region:OdesaThe integral property complex “Odesa Champagne Factory”, leased to PJSC “Odesa Champagne Factory” under a lease agreement dated 30.12.1992 (as amended), the term of the agreement until 24.02 .2035. The object of privatization consists of non-current assets, namely 975 units of fixed assets, including: – real estate – 35 units; – machinery and equipment – 803 units; – vehicles – 7 units; – tools, devices, inventory – 65 units; – other fixed assets – 65 units.
Auction date:01.02.2022 -
Separate property of Kovalovske operating location and alcohol storage of...
Region:ChernihivSeparate property of Kovalovske operating location and alcohol storage of SOE “UKRSPYRT” at the address: Chernihiv region, Chernihiv (Gorodnyansky) district, Tupychiv village, Myru St. (Lenin St.), 92; Vokzal-Gorodnya village, Vokzalnyi lane, 10. The list consists of 272 names of buildings, equipment, movable and other property and is attached as a separate file. Please note that the land under the object of privatization is not the object of sale, the questions of land use the buyer decides independently.
Auction date:11.10.2021 -
Expansion of the №3 OMVO “Orion” site to produce 1...
Region:OdesaUnfinished construction object is two unfinished buildings: the building of the production and administrative building (letters A, A1, A2, A3) is an interlocked workshops and premises for different purposes, different storeys, without a basement; building of the administrative and household building (letter B) – 3-storey without a basement.
Auction date:08.10.2021