
Auction with/without conditions

Showing 1–12 of 102 results

  • JSC “Khimtekstylmash” (USREOU Code 14314311)

    Start price:994 819

    State block of shares of JSC “Khimtekstylmash” in the amount of 3,979,276 units, which is 100% of the authorized capital of the company.

    The size of the authorized capital: UAH 994,819.

    Location: 14001, Chernihiv, Ivan Mazepa street, 110. The company is located on the outskirts of Chernihiv in the industrial zone, near the international highway E95, which is part of the European route.

    The main type of economic activity according to NACE – 72.19 – Research and experimental development on other natural and technical sciences.

    Main production:

    • machines and equipment for the production of chemical, natural and mineral threads, fibers and fibrous materials for industrial, technical and household purposes;
    • machines and equipment for the food industry and processing of agro-industrial complex products;
    • consumer goods (products) and parts, nodes, spare parts.

    The company has in its structure:

    • A subsidiary of Khimtekstylmash-Service of Joint-Stock Company Khimtekstylmash, EDRPOU code 38271092 (legal entity). The subject of activity is the preparation and signing of economic agreements for the manufacture of products of the Enterprise, the development of technical documentation, technological processes, instructions, estimates, etc. for products, organization and testing, maintenance and repair of equipment manufactured by the Enterprise.
    • Structural subdivision – Experimental plant, EDRPOU code 24553985 (without the right of a legal entity). The subject of activity is the manufacture, installation, adjustment and sale of equipment of the Enterprise.
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  • Property complex of SOE ”Obukhіv вuilding and сonstruction department”

    Start price:303 139

    The main type of economic activity of the SOE according to the NACE: 41.20 Construction of residential and non-residential buildings (main). The property complex includes the following real estate objects: – a checkpoint building with an area of 13.3 sq.m., – a boiler house building with an area of 151.3 sq.m. The enterprise is inactive: activity on the basis of property of the property complex of SOE ”Obukhіv вuilding and сonstruction department” isn’t carried out since 2008.

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  • Property complex of SOE “Specialized construction and assembly train for...

    Kyiv city
    Start price:253 585

    The single property complex includes real estate, namely: office building, workshop, letter A – 743.0 sq.m, warehouse, letter B – 586 sq.m, garage IRP 60×66, letter G – 183.9 sq.m, warehouse, letter D – 68.1 sq.m, toilet, letter E – with an area of 11.1 sq.m and other property.

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  • PJSC “Bread-Baking Plant “Zaliznychnyk”


    The state block of shares in the amount of 6,162,080, which is 48.0212% of the authorized capital of the Private Joint-Stock Company “Bread-Baking Plant “Zaliznychnyk”.

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  • Property complex of SOE “Repair and Construction Site “Agros”

    Start price:9 054 036

    The object includes the following real estate (year of commissioning; area):

    1) production building (1994; 65.6 sq.m);

    2) locksmith building (1995; 86.9 sq.m);

    3) assembly building (1995; 138.8 sq.m);

    4) carpentry building (1995; 312.9 sq.m);

    5) warehouse building (1995; 91.5 sq.m);

    6) utility building (1994; 101.7 sq.m);

    7) administrative and production building (1994; 156.3 sq.m);

    8) auxiliary warehouse building (1987; 13.1 sq. m);

    9) common household building (1987; 157.9 sq.m);

    10) 4 canopies with areas of 6.7 sq.m, 65.1 sq.m, 99.5 sq.m, 23.5 sq.m, gates, paving.

    For 6 years the company does not perform any work and does not provide services to agricultural producers.

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  • Property complex of Cherkasy State Commercial Housing Enterprise “Zhytloservis”

    Start price:18 123 000

    The complex includes buildings and structures with a total area of ​​6,245.4 square meters, including: office building on Vyacheslav Chornovil St., 257 with a total area of ​​433.7 sq. m.; administrative building on Vyacheslav Chornovil St., 259 with a total area of ​​447.9 sq. m.; administrative building, paving, fence on Vyacheslav Chornovil St., 261/1 with a total area of ​​432.6 sq. m.; administrative building with outbuilding and basement; metal garage (temporary) on Nebesnoi Sotni St., 31/1 with a total area of ​​2018.1 sq. m.; administrative building on N. Levitskoho St., 30 with a total area of ​​455.4 sq. m.; industrial base, including: workshop; garage; workshop; checkpoint building; pantry; a fence on N. Levitskoho St., 32/1 with a total area of ​​1840.2 sq. m.; garage; garage; a checkpoint building with an extension on Chimikiv Av., 50 with a total area of ​​395.5 sq. m.; garages; gate on Smilyanska St., 92/2 with a total area of ​​222.0 sq. m. The company’s balance sheet also includes other assets (machinery, equipment, vehicles, tools, inventory) – 27 pcs; low-value non-current tangible assets – 103 pcs.

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  • Non-residential building with a total area of 712.9 sq. m.


    Non-residential building with a total area of ​​712.9 sq. m., located at: Khmelnytsky region, Derazhnyansky district, Derazhnya, Myru St., 89 and is accounted for on the balance sheet of the Central-Western Interregional Department of the Ministry of Justice (Khmelnytskyi), USREOU code 43316784. One-storey building with a basement and an attached boiler room. Year of construction 1917, fireplace foundation, brick walls, slate roof, wooden floor, wooden floor, wooden stairs, electrification available. The right of ownership of real estate is registered by the state in the person of the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine on 07/22/2014, record number on the right of ownership 6419662, registration number of the real estate object 413203368215. Information on the land plot is absent. By the order of the Department of Culture, Nationalities and Religions of Khmelnytsky Regional State Administration dated 28.02.2013 № 65n the object is included in the List of newly discovered cultural heritage sites of Khmelnytsky region by type of “architecture” and “urban planning” as a residential mansion of private lawyer Peritorin.

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  • 100% state-owned stake in PJSC “Hotel “Dnipro”

    Start price:80 923 400

    Hotel “Dnipro” is located in the heart of Kyiv, near the main square of the country – Maidan Nezalezhnosti (Independence Square). The government quarter and the main cultural and historical monuments of Kyiv are located nearby. The main advantages of the hotel are:

    – Excellent transport accessibility due to the location near the main streets and highways of the city, public transport stops and subway;
    – unique views of the park zone of Kyiv and the Dnieper river;
    – large guest parking lot, with a total capacity of 56 parking spaces.

    The hotel has 186 rooms, restaurants, bar, SPA center and several conference rooms.

    The hotel building, with a total area of ​​12 829 sq.m., consists of 12 ground and one technical floors, mezzanine and basement. The rooms are located from 4 to 12 floors. The hotel is located on a plot of land with an area of ​​0.2831 hectares. In addition, in front of the hotel, on a plot of land with an area of ​​0.158 hectares, there is a parking lot. Both plots belong to the company on the right of permanent use.

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  • JSC “First Kyiv Machine-Building Plant”


    JSC “ First Kyiv Machine-building Plant” was founded in 1882. From the last quarter of the XX century the «Bilshovyk» plant became and still remains the leading enterprise among the CIS and Eastern Europe countries in manufacturing of large-tonnage equipment with a big single output for processing rubber, plastics or their waste.

    This plant is actually an only multi-purpose machine-building complex with a full cycle production in the Kyiv City.

    The enterprise offers to its customers services of highly skilled engineers and workers with a big complex of various metal-processing machines, welding, foundry, galvanic instrumental, woodworking and other types of equipment.

    Progressive technological processes are being applied, including plasma fusing, figured cutting, local thermal strengthening, fusing with laser beam etc. All these technological possibilities and the intellectual potential are aimed at manufacturing of a wide range of products.


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  • Single property complex structural subdivision Chernihiv Regional State Association of...

    Start price:29 122 900

    The object is located at: Kotliarevskoho St., 38, Chernihiv, in the middle part of the city near the residential sector. The SPC of the structural subdivision is leased by PJSC CHLGZ Chernihivska Vodka in accordance with the lease agreement № 16-01 dated November 9, 2001, which is valid until November 9, 2021. The property complex includes non-current assets in the amount of 249 units in accordance with the List of leased non-current assets that are leased (as of 31.10.2011) in accordance with the lease agreement. The main specialization of the tenant – NACE Code 11.01 Distillation, rectification and mixing of alcoholic beverages (main).
    The land plot – 2.5914 ha, is on the right of lease of PJSC CHLGZ “Chernihivvodka” until 25.06.2024. Cadastral number 7410100000:02:024:0041.

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  • Separate property of Lopatyn operating location and alcohol storage of...

    Start price:18 735 537

    Separate property of Lopatyn operating location and alcohol storage of SOE “UKRSPYRT” at the address: Lviv region, Radekhiv district, Lopatyn s.m.t., Zavodska St., 11.

    The list consists of buildings, equipment, transport and other property.

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  • Separate property of Sukhodoly operating location and alcohol storage of...

    Start price:21 674 077

    Separate property of Sukhodoly operating location and alcohol storage of SOE “UKRSPYRT” at the address: Lviv region, Brody district, Sukhodoly village, Zavodska St., 36; Lviv region, Brody district, Ponykovytska village council, “Outside the village”, tract, 4; Lviv region, Brody district, Sukhodoly village.

    The list consists of 534 items of buildings, equipment, transport and other property.

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