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Showing 97–108 of 178 results

  • Property complex of SOE “Niginsky quarry”


    The property complex includes 35 buildings with a total area of ​​11,154.6 sq. m, namely: 1) warehouse building with a total area of ​​122.9 sq. m; 2) control room building with a total area 45.2 of sq. m; 3) household premises of the railway workshop with a total area of ​​141.7 sq. m; 4) the building of the weighing station with a total area of ​​90.5 sq. m; 5) a building of a concrete unit with a total area of ​​98.8 sq. m; 6) hydraulic engineering building with a total area of ​​34.8 sq. m; 7) artesian well building with a total area of ​​7.7 sq. m; 8) garage building with a total area of ​​702.9 sq. m; 9) the building of the railway station with a total area of ​​8.9 sq. m; 10) the building of the compressor and extension with a total area of ​​270.7 square meters; 11) boiler house building with a total area of ​​272.7 sq. m; 12) workshop building with annexes with a total area of ​​1513.5 sq. m; 13) sawmill building with a total area of ​​86.7 sq. m; 14) fire station building with a total area of ​​244.5 sq. m; 15) silo warehouse building with a total area of ​​92.9 sq. m; 16) packaging warehouse building with a total area of ​​1352.9 sq. m; 17) the building of the drying and milling department with a total area of ​​959.7 sq. m; 18) locomotive depot building with a total area of ​​404.7 sq. m; 19) the building of the limestone flour shop with a total area of ​​422.4 sq. m; 20) pipe building with a total area of ​​28.3 sq. m; 21) carpentry shop building with a total area of ​​372.2 sq. m; 22) the building of a fuel storage (gas station) with a total area of ​​68.3 sq. m; 23) a complex with a total area of ​​465.7 sq. m; 24) a building of a household building with a total area of ​​1251.4 sq. m; 25) locomotive depot building with a total area of ​​312.0 sq. m; 26) laboratory building for water purification for compressors with a total area of ​​121.3 sq. m; 27) condenser building with a total area of ​​28.3 sq. m; 28) dining room building with a total area of ​​414.7 sq. m; 29) building of auxiliary shot blasting facilities with a total area of ​​280.4 sq. m; 30) cooling tower building with a total area of ​​23.0 sq. m; 31) the building of the gallery and screening bunker with a total area of ​​111.1 sq. m; 32) sauna building with a total area of ​​165.7 sq. m; 33) car garage building with a total area of ​​482.2 sq. m; 34) substation-TP building with a total area of ​​97.2 sq. m; 35) canopy, pass-through with a total area of ​​58.7 sq.m.

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  • SOE “Zakupnyansky quarry”


    SOE “Zakupnyansky quarry” includes: 1) office building 2x; 2) Lysohirka quarry buildings; 3) weighing scale building; 4) DEPOT building; 5) building for production; 6) electrical shop building; 7) mechanical workshop building; 8) the building of the limestone flour shop; 9) secondary sorting; 10) gallery No. 1; 11) gallery No. 2; 12) gallery No. 3; 13) gallery No. 4; 14) gallery No. 57601,36; 15) gallery No. 7; 16) gallery conv. No. 6; 17) gallery conv. No. 8; 18) woodworking workshop; 19) DSU No. 3 1 turn; 20) DSU No. 3 2nd turn; 21) carriage overpass; 22) DSD crushing body; 23) boiler room of the industrial site; 24) KTP in ATP 704; 25) material composition; 26) vegetable storage-anti-radiation shelter; 27) one-story guardhouse building; 28) primary sorting; 29) garage premises; 30) repair box in ATP; 31) composition of limestone flour; 32) composition of the VM; 33) warehouse for storing aggregates in ATP; 34) composition of materials; 35) warehouse-garage; 36) 2-story dining room; 37) toilet; 38) transformer substation; 39) transformer substation 35/6 kW; 40) highway; 41) DSD highway – castle; 42) bunker; 43) bunker; 44) bunker; 45) DSD waste bunker; 46) drilling well; 47) drilling well; 48) intra-plant railway canvas; 49) water tower; 50) water supply networks; 51) external power line; 52) fence of administrative buildings; 53) optical communication line; 54) platform for loading vehicles; 55) pneumoforge hammer; 56) loading eye hopper of crude flour; 57) fire tank; 58) filtering fields.

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  • Property complex of SOE “Hannopil distillery”


    The property complex of SOE “Hannopil Distillery” consists of 48 real estate objects located on a land plot with a total area of 16,1146 hectares. The total value of assets for 9 months of 2020 is UAH 3,923,000.

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  • State block of shares in the amount of 30% of...


    The main type of economic activity: 26.30 – Production of communication equipment

    The authorized capital of the company is UAH 400,000.

    The nominal value of the state block of shares is UAH 120,000.

    The area is 1332.5 sq. m.

    No economic activity has been carried out since 2015.

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  • Property Complex of the Novodnistrovsk State Sewing and Knitting Factory


    There is no real estate in the property complex of the enterprise.

    Balance holder: Property Complex of the Novodnistrovsk State Sewing and Knitting Factory.

    The balance sheet value of assets is UAH 196.4 thousand.

    The property complex includes 417 units of fixed assets, including: vehicles – 2 units, other non-current assets – 415 units. The company’s fixed assets and stocks are stored in a leased warehouse.

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  • Property complex of SOE “Kharkiv Industrial and Trade Enterprise”


    The company’s balance sheet includes buildings, structures, and equipment totaling 651 units. The value of assets as of June 30, 2021 is UAH 21,407.3 thousand. The main activity of the enterprise is non-specialized wholesale trade.

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  • Property Complex of SOE of Road Communications, Information Support and...

    Kyiv city

    The property complex of SOE “Ukrdorzvyazok” has its branches in three cities of Ukraine: Lviv, Zhytomyr, Donetsk and workshops in all regional centers.

    SPC of SOE “Ukrdorzvyazok” provides radio communication in all divisions of SJSC “Ukravtodor”, builds new ones, and operates existing telecommunication lines, which cover almost the entire network of the main highways of Ukraine. The company also has a nationwide network of towers for the location of antennas with the necessary communications. Each branch has its own mobile electrical measurement laboratory and communication laboratory.

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  • Non-residential premises of the administrative building with a total area...


    Non-residential premises of the administrative building with a total area of 245.7 square meters, including the area of the staircase of the 2nd floor is 17.0 sq.m., the area of the stairwell of the 5th floor is 16.3 sq.m., the premises of the 1st floor are 48.4 sq.m. (including: corridor – 2.3 sq.m., corridor – 29.1 sq.m., stairwell – 17.0 sq.m.), basement – 164.0 sq.m. (including: stairwell – 14.7 sq.m., pantry – 6.3 sq.m., archive – 56.7 sq.m., corridor – 12.0 sq.m., pantry – 8.6 sq.m., storeroom – 14.1 sq.m., corridor – 11.1 sq.m., archive – 40.5 sq.m.)

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  • Property complex of SOE “Krysky distillery plant”


    Підприємство здійснює діяльність відповідно до статуту. Код КВЕД (основний) 11.01 Дистиляція, ректифікація та змішування алкогольних напоїв. На балансі обліковуються такі об’єкти нерухомості: Чернігівська обл., Коропський р-н, с.Криски, вул.Заводська, 1 : -головний корпус спиртового заводу, А-1 загальною площею 1186,3 кв. м; – спиртосховище, А(1)-1 загальною площею 313,7 кв.м; – бродильне відділення А(11)-1 загальною площею 45,3 кв.м; – прохідна Б-1 загальною площею 45,3 кв.м; -ангар В-1 загальною площею 330,6 кв.м; – зерносклад Г-1 загальною площею 1309,7 кв.м; – вбиральня Д-1 загальною площею 17,5 кв.м; – гараж для автомашин Є-1 загальною площею 156,9 кв.м; -столярна майстерня Ж-1 загальною площею 180,5 кв.м; – водонасосна З-1 загальною площею 31,6 кв.м; -механічна майстерня И-1 загальною площею 250,9 кв.м; -приміщення вуглекислого цеху І-2 загальною площею 705,0 кв.м; -УДХ цех, цех по утилізації СО 2, Ї-1 загальною площею 31,9 кв.м; -виробничо-допоміжні очисні споруди Й-1 загальною площею 45,2 кв.м; -мазутно-насосна К-1 загальною площею 65,1 кв.м; -вагова Л-1 загальною площею 24,1 кв.м; -матеріальний склад М-1 загальною площею 162,9 кв.м; -приміщення артизіанської скважини Н-1 загальною площею 10,5 кв.м; -будівля цеху «Оригинальний» А(1)-3 загальною площею 791,1 кв.м. Чернігівська обл., Коропський р-н, с. Криски, вул. Заводська, 1а: – – нежитлова будівля загальною площею 162,6 кв.м. Чернігівська обл., Менський р-н, м. Мена, вул. Піонерська (Північна) 26а: -контора спирт бази А-1а-1 загальною площею 62,1 кв.м; – спиртосховище Б-1 загальною площею 53,9 кв.м.

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  • State block of shares in the amount of 100.00% of...


    State block of shares in the amount of 100.0000% of the authorized capital of PJSC “Kharkiv electrotechnical plant “Transzviazok”, amounting to 49102800 shares. The nominal value of the block of shares is UAH 12,275,700.00.

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  • 100% block of shares of the authorized capital of JSC...


    The main activities of the interprise: production of electrical distribution and control equipment.

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  • State block of shares in the amount of 50% of...


    The state block of shares in the amount of 50.0000% of the authorized capital of PJSC “Machinery Production Association “Orion” (USREOU code 14309913, address: Odesa city, Akademika Harkavogo St., 6)., which is 2,883,281 of shares. 

    The nominal value of the share package is UAH 720,820.25.


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