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Showing 25–36 of 171 results

  • Property complex – the structural unit of SOE “Administration of...


    Property complex – the structural unit of SOE “Administration of the State Property Fund of Ukraine” (Dnipropetrovsk branch).

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  • PJSC “Kherson plant “SUDMASH”


    State block of shares in the amount of 100% of the authorized capital of PJSC “Kherson plant “Sudmash”, amounting to 67,235 shares. Nominal value of the block of shares UAH 67235000.00.

    Directions of activities:

    • development of a set of design documentation for the production of models of of telescopic car lifts for the needs of public utilities, fire and rescue units and their manufacture;
    • development of a set of design documentation for overhaul of fire truck lifts of other manufacturers;
    • development of a set of design documentation for overhaul and complete modernization of the fire car ladders;
    • development, implementation of new technological processes and production of samples of ship devices, bollards, ship water-gas-tight doors;
    • development of a set of design documentation and manufacture of hydraulic products (power and control hydraulic cylinders, centering columns) for installation without impact pushing of foundation piles;
    • development of a set of design documentation for the repair of hydraulic cylinders, machines and units of the agricultural sector, and repair work

    The Company consists of 11 real estate objects with a total area of 32876.6 sq. m.

    Land plot: State act on the right of permanent use of land, on the right of permanent use there is a land plot with a total area of 6.5201 ha, provided for permanent use for the location of the production base.

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  • Separate property of Novi Borovychi operating location and alcohol storage of...


    Separate property of Novi Borovychi operating location and alcohol storage of SOE “UKRSPYRT” at the address: Chernihiv region, Koryukiv district, Novi Borovichi village, Zavodska St., 1, Zavodska St., 7b, Kamka village, Robitnychiy lane, 12, Robitnychiy lane, 9, room 2. The list consists of 477 names of buildings, equipment, movable and other property and is attached at separate files. Please note that the land under the object of privatization is not the object of sale, the questions of land use the buyer decides independently.

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  • Property complex of SOE “Chasiv-Yar State Geological Prospecting Party”


    Property complex of SOE “Chasiv-Yar State Geological Prospecting Party”.

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  • Separate property of the state institution “Irpin Correctional Center (#...


    Separate property of the state institution “Irpin Correctional Center” (№ 132), located at: Kyiv region, Irpin, Kotsyubynske village, Zaliznychna St., 1.

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  • PJSC “Bread-Baking Plant “Zaliznychnyk”


    The state block of shares in the amount of 6,162,080, which is 48.0212% of the authorized capital of the Private Joint-Stock Company “Bread-Baking Plant “Zaliznychnyk”.

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  • Property complex of SOE “Zarubynskyi spyrtovyi zavod” (Zarubyntsi distillery)


    Property complex of SOE “Zarubyntsi distillery plant”.

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  • Recreation center “Svitanok”


    Dormitory house – 161.0 sq.m., bedroom house – 31.4 sq.m., bedroom house – 31.4 sq.m., bedroom house – 31.4 sq.m., dining room – 45.4 sq.m., warehouse-garage, toilet room, showers, a shed with a sink, a shower cabin, a canopy over a biotoilet, fences, wickets, gates, paving. Other assets: metal tank, garbage container, television antenna, etc.

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  • Property Complex of SOE “Scientific Center of Precision Engineering”

    Kyiv city

    The enterprice specializes in research and experimental developments in the field of other natural and technical sciences.

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  • Property complex of the state enterprise “Brailiv juice factory”


    Property complex of the state enterprise “Brailiv juice factory” at the address of Vinnytsia region, Zhmerynka district, Brailiv smt., 10 Chaikovsky St.

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  • Non-residential building with a total area of 712.9 sq. m.


    Non-residential building with a total area of ​​712.9 sq. m., located at: Khmelnytsky region, Derazhnyansky district, Derazhnya, Myru St., 89 and is accounted for on the balance sheet of the Central-Western Interregional Department of the Ministry of Justice (Khmelnytskyi), USREOU code 43316784. One-storey building with a basement and an attached boiler room. Year of construction 1917, fireplace foundation, brick walls, slate roof, wooden floor, wooden floor, wooden stairs, electrification available. The right of ownership of real estate is registered by the state in the person of the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine on 07/22/2014, record number on the right of ownership 6419662, registration number of the real estate object 413203368215. Information on the land plot is absent. By the order of the Department of Culture, Nationalities and Religions of Khmelnytsky Regional State Administration dated 28.02.2013 № 65n the object is included in the List of newly discovered cultural heritage sites of Khmelnytsky region by type of “architecture” and “urban planning” as a residential mansion of private lawyer Peritorin.

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