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Showing 25–36 of 177 results

  • Property complex of SOE “Bdzhilʹnyanskyi spyrtovyi zavod” (distillery)

    Start price:68 488 750

    Property complex of SOE “Bdzhilʹnyanskyi spyrtovyi zavod” (distillery) located at the following address: 23840, Vinnytsia Oblast, Haisyn Raion, Bdzhilna village, 53, Zavodska St.

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  • Property complex of SOE “Zarubyntsi distillery”

    Start price:219 135 738

    The property complex of the SOE “Zarubyntsi distillery”, located at the address: Ternopil Oblast, Ternopil (Zbarazh) Rayon, Zarubyntsi village.

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  • Property complex of SOE “Hotel “Ukraina”

    Start price:1 047 637 152

    Property complex of SOE “Hotel “Ukraina” (USREOU code 22926100), located at the address: 4, Institutska St, Kyiv city, Ukraine 01001. Business activity: hotels and similar accommodation.

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  • JSC “United Mining and Chemical Company”

    Kyiv city
    Start price:3 899 358 000

    Державний пакет акцій розміром 100 відсотків статутного капіталу акціонерного товариства “Об’єднана гірничо-хімічна компанія” (код згідно з ЄДРПОУ 36716128), що становить 1 944 000 000 штук акцій, номінальною вартістю 1 944 000 000 грн. Розмір статутного капіталу акціонерного товариства “Об’єднана гірничо-хімічна компанія” (код згідно з ЄДРПОУ 36716128) – 1 944 000 000 грн. Основний вид діяльності – добування руд інших кольорових металів.

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  • PRJSC “Indar”

    Kyiv city

    The enterprise with full technological cycle of genetically engineered insulin – from API to finished dosage forms. Full range of human recombinant insulin products manufactured based on proprietary technology. According to the charter, the main activity of the company is the production of pharmaceutical preparations and materials. Proximate strategic development envisages product portfolio enhancement with immunoprophylaxis products (vaccines) as well as innovative drugs and medical devices that meet all needs of people living with Diabetes, HIV/AIDS and Tuberculosis.


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  • Separate property of Martynivka operating location and alcohol storage of...


    Separate property of Martynivka operating location and alcohol storage of SOE “UKRSPYRT” at address: Vinnytsia region, Zhmerynskyi district, Martynivka village, M. Yazhuka St., 20 (Lenina, 1).

    The list consists of 532 items of buildings, equipment, transport and other property and is attached by a separate file.

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  • Property complex of SOE “Naukovo-tekhnichnyi tsentr otsinky vidpovidnosti u budivnytstvi...

    Kyiv city

    The object includes: computer equipment, furniture, tools, appliances and equipment. The enterprise does not have its own premises. No land plot registered.
    The average number of employees as of June 30, 2019 – 3 people.

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  • Property complex of children’s health camp “Golubok”


    The privatization object includes real estate (buildings and structures), which is registered with the State Property Fund of Ukraine.
    The object is located in the peripheral zone of Svyatogirsk, within the recreational zone, the National Nature Park “Svyati Gory” (“Holy Mountains“). Transport accessibility is provided by bus routes. The access road is asphalted.
    Camp type: out-of-town health improvement and recreational institution. The functional use of the object is not used.

    According to the extract from the State Register of Rights to Real Estate on the registration of ownership (index number of the extract: 138652163 dated 09.21.2018), the object of small privatization was registered with the State Property Fund of Ukraine, registration number of the real estate object: 1649670714141, date of registration: 18.09.2018.
    The lease agreement dated 27.05.2002 №952/2002 expired on 28.05.2017, the act of acceptance-transfer of the leased property is not signed. Former tenant: enterprise “Vladislava” of the All-Ukrainian organization of disabled people “Union of organizations of disabled people of Ukraine”, USREOU code (ЄДРПОУ) 31083925, registered at: 84333, Donetsk region, Kramatorsk, Rumyantseva St., 31.
    The land plot under the object is not formed separately. The territory of the complex became a part of the National Nature Park “Svyati Gory” without withdrawal from the land user and is subordinated to Svyatogirsk city council.
    The entire territory of Svyatogirsk by the decision of the Economic court of the Donetsk region dated 02.07.2009 and the Resolution of the Donetsk Economic court of appeal dated 31.08.2009 (case No. 8/35pn) was assigned to the economic functional zone of the National Nature Park “Svyati Gory”.

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  • Property complex – the structural unit of SOE “Administration of...


    Property complex – the structural unit of SOE “Administration of the State Property Fund of Ukraine” (Dnipropetrovsk branch).

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  • PJSC “Kherson plant “SUDMASH”


    State block of shares in the amount of 100% of the authorized capital of PJSC “Kherson plant “Sudmash”, amounting to 67,235 shares. Nominal value of the block of shares UAH 67235000.00.

    Directions of activities:

    • development of a set of design documentation for the production of models of of telescopic car lifts for the needs of public utilities, fire and rescue units and their manufacture;
    • development of a set of design documentation for overhaul of fire truck lifts of other manufacturers;
    • development of a set of design documentation for overhaul and complete modernization of the fire car ladders;
    • development, implementation of new technological processes and production of samples of ship devices, bollards, ship water-gas-tight doors;
    • development of a set of design documentation and manufacture of hydraulic products (power and control hydraulic cylinders, centering columns) for installation without impact pushing of foundation piles;
    • development of a set of design documentation for the repair of hydraulic cylinders, machines and units of the agricultural sector, and repair work

    The Company consists of 11 real estate objects with a total area of 32876.6 sq. m.

    Land plot: State act on the right of permanent use of land, on the right of permanent use there is a land plot with a total area of 6.5201 ha, provided for permanent use for the location of the production base.

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  • Separate property of the state institution “Irpin Correctional Center (#...


    Separate property of the state institution “Irpin Correctional Center” (№ 132), located at: Kyiv region, Irpin, Kotsyubynske village, Zaliznychna St., 1.

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