
Large privatization

Showing 13–19 of 19 results

  • JSC “Ukrainian Energy Machines”


    Ukrainian turbine construction company, one of the largest in the world. Specializes in the production of steam turbines for thermal and nuclear power plants, hydraulic turbines for hydroelectric and pumped storage power plants, gas turbines for thermal power plants. Carries out a full cycle of production: design, manufacture, supply, commissioning and maintenance of turbine equipment for all types of power plants.

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  • JSC “Dnipro Electric Locomotive Plant”


    One of the leading enterprises of Ukraine, producing products of electrical engineering. The main products of the plant are mainline electric locomotives of direct and alternating current, industrial electric locomotives used in open pit mining, mining contact electric locomotives for mining and coal industry, tram rolling stock, freight cars, tank cars, self-loading cars, wagons workshop cars, specialized components for railway or tram locomotives and rolling stock, seats for railway cars. The company also carries out major repairs and reconstruction of locomotives and railway cars.

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  • LLC “Zaporizhzhya Titanium and Magnesium Plant”


    Zaporizhzhya Titanium and Magnesium Plant produces high quality titanium products and offers them for sale. The plant increases production efficiency, modernizes, re-equips and improves its production technology, and effectively works to improve product quality. The quality of ZTMK products is guaranteed by a certified management system in accordance with the requirements of the international standards ISO 9001, EN 9100, ISO 14001, ISO 50001 and ISO 45001.

    The technology of titanium production is based on the Krol process – obtaining titanium by magnetothermal reduction of titanium tetrachloride, followed by vacuum distillation. Part of the spongy titanium is used as a raw material for the production of ingots and slabs of titanium and titanium alloys, the rest of the spongy titanium is sold to consumers as marketable products.

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  • Lybid Investment Union LLC

    Kyiv city

    Державна частка розміром 66,65 % у статутному капіталі товариства з обмеженою відповідальністю “Інвестиційний союз “Либідь” (код згідно з ЄДРПОУ 34693827). Статутний капітал товариства становить – 172 761 926,78 грн. Основний вид економічної діяльності – надання в оренду й експлуатацію власного чи орендованого нерухомого майна.

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  • PJSC “Kharkivenergozbut”


    Державний пакет акцій розміром 65,001 відсотка статутного капіталу приватного акціонерного товариства “Харківенергозбут” (код згідно з ЄДРПОУ 42206328), що становить 166 754 183 штук акцій номінальною вартістю 3 335,08366 тис. грн. Розмір статутного капіталу приватного акціонерного товариства “Харківенергозбут” (код згідно з ЄДРПОУ 42206328) – 5 130 815,20 грн. Основний вид діяльності – торгівля електроенергією.

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  • Property complex of SOE “Hotel “Ukraina”


    Property complex of SOE “Hotel “Ukraina” (USREOU code 22926100), located at the address: 4, Institutska St, Kyiv city, Ukraine 01001. Business activity: hotels and similar accommodation.

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  • JSC “First Kyiv Machine-Building Plant”


    JSC “ First Kyiv Machine-building Plant” was founded in 1882. From the last quarter of the XX century the «Bilshovyk» plant became and still remains the leading enterprise among the CIS and Eastern Europe countries in manufacturing of large-tonnage equipment with a big single output for processing rubber, plastics or their waste.

    This plant is actually an only multi-purpose machine-building complex with a full cycle production in the Kyiv City.

    The enterprise offers to its customers services of highly skilled engineers and workers with a big complex of various metal-processing machines, welding, foundry, galvanic instrumental, woodworking and other types of equipment.

    Progressive technological processes are being applied, including plasma fusing, figured cutting, local thermal strengthening, fusing with laser beam etc. All these technological possibilities and the intellectual potential are aimed at manufacturing of a wide range of products.


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