
Small privatization

Small-scale privatization includes enterprises and property, the value of which does not exceed UAH 250 mln. Such objects are sold exclusively through government’s electronic trading system Prozorro.Sale. Privatization is conducted publicly. Closed-door arrangements are excluded. Sales through Prozorro.Sale do not allow to restrict access to bidding or create artificial barriers. Anyone can participate in an auction or watch it online. Therefore, small-scale privatization has opened up new business opportunities to buy something freely and transparently from the state. 

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Please note that English version of this web-site includes only selected small-scale privatization objects. For the full privatization list, please visit Ukrainian version or contact our  team:

Showing 1–12 of 161 results

  • Property Complex of SOE “Kolomyia district architectural planning design and...

    Start price:119 000 59 500

    Property complex of the state owned enterprise at the address: 78200, Ivano-Frankivsk Oblast, Kolomyia Rayon, Kolomyia town, 40, Franka Ivana St.

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  • Property Complex of SOE “Kirovohrad Grain Processing Plant #2”

    Start price:17 144 945

    SOE “Kirovohrad Grain Processing Plant #2”, USREOU code 00951862, was founded in 1995. It is located in the Kropyvnytskyi town on 2 Inzheneriv Ave., the production facilities of the enterprise are also located at the following address: Kirovohrad Oblast, Kropyvnytskyi Rayon, Shostakivka village, 1A, Heroiv Ukrainy St. The main activities of the enterprise are: manufacture of grain mill products (main); post-harvest crop activities; manufacture of prepared feeds for farm animals; agents involved in the sale of agricultural raw materials, live animals, textile raw materials and semi-finished goods; wholesale of grain, unmanufactured tobacco, seeds and animal feeds; retail sale via stalls and markets of other goods; warehousing and storage. At the enterprise in the Kropyvnytskyi town at 2, Inzheneriv Ave., there is a plant for the production of compound feed. The average registered number of employees is 18 people.

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  • Property complex of SOE Hotel “Kozatskyi”

    Kyiv city
    Start price:155 486 116

    Property complex of SOE Hotel “Kozatskyi”.

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  • Property Complex of SOE “Okhtyrka Grain Processing Plant”

    Start price:49 724 570

    Property complex of SOE “Okhtyrka Grain Processing Plant” (USREOU code (ЄДРПОУ): 00956031), 42700, Sumy Oblast, Okhtyrka town, 11, Armiiska St.

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  • Property complex of SOE “State Institute for Design of Meat...

    Start price:16 795 564

    Property complex of SOE “State Institute for Design of Meat and Dairy Industry Enterprises “Poltavadipromiasomolprom” located at the address: Poltava Oblast, Poltava city, 1 Sapiho St. The main type of economic activity according to the Charter is the  architectural activities. Inventory objects of property complex include:

    • two-storey brick building with a basement with a total area 2427.3 sq.m, fence №1, fence №2, gate №3;
    • one motor vehicle – a car VAZ – 21053 manufactured in 1997;
    • equipment, machinery, inventory and other movable property – 913 units;
    • the land plot with an area of 0.3056 hectares that belongs to the SOE “State Institute for Design of Meat and Dairy Industry Enterprises “Poltavadipromiasomolprom” on a permanent use right.. Cadastral number of the land plot is 5310136400: 14: 005: 0030.
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  • Property complex of SOE of the Research Institute “Buran”

    Kyiv city
    Start price:413 000

    Property complex of SOE of the Research Institute “Buran”, 1/32, Nimetska St., Kyiv city.

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  • Property Complex of SOE “Nepolokivtsi Grain Processing Plant”

    Start price:217 389 685

    The object is located on a state-owned land plot, incl. with an area of ​​18.5596 hectares located at the address: Chernivtsi Oblast, Nepolokivtsi urban-type settlement, Magistralna St., land plot #43, cadastral number – 7322555700:01:002:0151. Purpose of the land plot: for the placement and operation of main, subsidiary and auxiliary buildings and structures of processing, engineering and other industries. The main activity is the manufacture of grain mill products.

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  • Property complex of SOE “Bdzhilʹnyanskyi spyrtovyi zavod” (distillery)

    Start price:68 488 750

    Property complex of SOE “Bdzhilʹnyanskyi spyrtovyi zavod” (distillery) located at the following address: 23840, Vinnytsia Oblast, Haisyn Raion, Bdzhilna village, 53, Zavodska St.

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  • Property complex of SOE “Zarubyntsi distillery”

    Start price:219 135 738

    The property complex of the SOE “Zarubyntsi distillery”, located at the address: Ternopil Oblast, Ternopil (Zbarazh) Rayon, Zarubyntsi village.

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  • Property complex of SOE “Hotel “Ukraina”

    Start price:1 047 637 152

    Property complex of SOE “Hotel “Ukraina” (USREOU code 22926100), located at the address: 4, Institutska St, Kyiv city, Ukraine 01001. Business activity: hotels and similar accommodation.

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  • JSC “United Mining and Chemical Company”

    Kyiv city
    Start price:3 899 358 000

    Державний пакет акцій розміром 100 відсотків статутного капіталу акціонерного товариства “Об’єднана гірничо-хімічна компанія” (код згідно з ЄДРПОУ 36716128), що становить 1 944 000 000 штук акцій, номінальною вартістю 1 944 000 000 грн. Розмір статутного капіталу акціонерного товариства “Об’єднана гірничо-хімічна компанія” (код згідно з ЄДРПОУ 36716128) – 1 944 000 000 грн. Основний вид діяльності – добування руд інших кольорових металів.

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  • PRJSC “Indar”

    Kyiv city

    The enterprise with full technological cycle of genetically engineered insulin – from API to finished dosage forms. Full range of human recombinant insulin products manufactured based on proprietary technology. According to the charter, the main activity of the company is the production of pharmaceutical preparations and materials. Proximate strategic development envisages product portfolio enhancement with immunoprophylaxis products (vaccines) as well as innovative drugs and medical devices that meet all needs of people living with Diabetes, HIV/AIDS and Tuberculosis.


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