On October 30, 2020, the Sukhodilsk operating location and alcohol storage of SE “Ukrspyrt” were privatized on the transparent online auction by UAH 60,332,100 total.
The auction for the privatization of this alcohol industry object was attended by 4 companies, which in competition raised the price of the object from the starting UAH 21, 674, 077 more than 2.7 times – up to UAH 60, 332,100.
This is the sixth successful privatization of alcohol assets as part of the demonopolization of the alcohol industry.
However, some auctions of alcohol objects do not attract for investors due to a significant factor in this matter are the price of objects.
Transparent online privatization auctions work in such a way that everyone who wants to invest has the opportunity to get all the information about the objects, and based on the received information to decide on participation and determine a reasonable price for the purchase of objects.
Thus, the market determines the real prices of privatization objects independently and objectively, and the algorithms of privatization auctions are set to facilitate this process. If the price has become a limiting factor and does not allow involving participants in the auction, automatically is conducting re-auction with a lower starting price.
This, by the way, does not mean that the object of privatization at the next auction will necessarily be privatized at a price lower than the starting price at the first auction, because competition during bidding motivates participants to raise rates.