Auction for sale unique tourist object “Slovianskyi” Hotel will be held on July 3, 2020The hotel is located in the city of Novhorod-Siverskyi, Chernihiv oblast, on the picturesque bank of the Desna River and in a proximity close to the Spaso-Preobrazhenskoho Monastery (XI-XII centuries).
Columns, stairs and floor of the hotel are made of marble; 30 rooms are located on an area of 5.000 square meters, as well as a presidential room.
The Slovianskyi Hotel has been operating since 2004 and needs annual co-financing of at least UAH 500,000. Only attracting a competent investor will help to relieve the state of losses and create a high-quality tourist facility”, – said Kostiantyn Koshelenko, Deputy Head of the State Property Fund of Ukraine.
That’s why, the State Property Fund of Ukraine set the main task as attracting a competent investor who will become an effective owner of the object via a transparent auction and create a popular tourist object with new high-paying jobs. As a result the state will receive tax revenues from hotel’ profits instead debts.
Detailed information about this privatization object can be found at the link: https://privatization.gov.ua/en/product/yedynyj-majnovyj-kompleks-derzhavnogo-komertsijnogo-pidpryyemstva-gotel-slov-yanskyj-2/