
Showing 37–48 of 427 results

  • Property complex of SOE “Buchach Maltose Plant”

    Start price:34 744 400

    Property complex of SOE “Buchach Maltose Plant”, located at: Ternopil region, Buchach, Stepana Banderi St., 2.

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  • Single property complex of industrial railway transport of DVAT “Dimitrovvuglevantzhtrans“

    Start price:67 063 556

    Single property complex of industrial railway transport of DVAT “Dimitrovvuglevantzhtrans“ at the address: 85323, Donetsk region, Myrnograd, Soborna St., 51. The property complex is leased to “Vuglepromtrans” LLC under a lease agreement dated 24.04.2001 №764. The term of the lease agreement is April 24, 2021.

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  • Property complex of SOE “Kalush сombined heat and power plant...

    Start price:230 158 661

    The property complex of the state owned  enterprise at the address: Kalush, Promyslova St., 1. The average number of employees as of 30.09.2021 – 625 people. Main economic activity according to NACE: 35.30 supply of steam, hot water and air conditioning. The volume of products (works, services) for the period of 2018 – 9 months of 2021: UAH 3,964,761 thousand, including export – 0. The main nomenclature of products (works, services): thermal energy, electricity, including export – 0.

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  • Property complex of SOE “Heroiske Research and Industrial Enterprise”

    Start price:6 130 331

    State-owned enterprise, the main activity of which is the extraction of table salt, obtained by evaporation from the sea water of the Black Sea in open sedimentary basins. The enterprise is located on the bank of the Dnipro estuary, 70 km from the regional center – the town of Hola Prystan. Production facilities for the extraction of salt – hydraulic structures (basins – preparatory, cage, ditches, sluices, etc.) on the chain of lakes are filled with sea water of the Yagorlytsky Bay of the Black Sea.

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  • Property complex of SOE ”Obukhіv вuilding and сonstruction department”

    Start price:303 139

    The main type of economic activity of the SOE according to the NACE: 41.20 Construction of residential and non-residential buildings (main). The property complex includes the following real estate objects: – a checkpoint building with an area of 13.3 sq.m., – a boiler house building with an area of 151.3 sq.m. The enterprise is inactive: activity on the basis of property of the property complex of SOE ”Obukhіv вuilding and сonstruction department” isn’t carried out since 2008.

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  • Integral property complex “Odesa Champagne Factory”

    Start price:87 377 964

    The integral property complex “Odesa Champagne Factory”, leased to PJSC “Odesa Champagne Factory” under a lease agreement dated 30.12.1992 (as amended), the term of the agreement until 24.02 .2035. The object of privatization consists of non-current assets, namely 975 units of fixed assets, including: – real estate – 35 units; – machinery and equipment – 803 units; – vehicles – 7 units; – tools, devices, inventory – 65 units; – other fixed assets – 65 units.

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  • PrJSC “Proektno-konstruktorskyi instytut konveyerobuduvannya» (Design and Engineering Institute of Conveyor...

    Start price:1 799 600

    A block of shares in the amount of 72.6920% of the authorized capital of PrJSC “Proektno-konstruktorskyi instytut konveyerobuduvannya» (Design and Engineering Institute of Conveyor Construction), in the amount of 944560 shares with a total nominal value of UAH 236 140.

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  • Separate property of Vuzlove operating location and alcohol storage of...

    Start price:23 558 487

    Separate property of Vuzlove operating location and alcohol storage of SOE “UKRSPYRT”, at the addresses: Lviv region, Chervonohrad (Radekhiv) district,Vuzlove village, Shevchenka St., 7; Lviv region, Chervonohrad (Radekhiv) district, Radekhiv, Halytska St., 6.

    The list of property of the object to be privatized is attached by a separate file.

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  • Property complex of SOE “Yurkovetskyi spyrtovyi zavod” (Yurkivtsi distillery)

    Start price:15 303 459

    Property complex of SOE “Yurkovetskyi spyrtovyi zavod” (Yurkivtsi distillery)

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  • Separate property of Zaliztsi operating location and alcohol storage of...

    Start price:30 818 176

    Separate property of Zaliztsi operating location and alcohol storage of SOE “UKRSPYRT” at the address: Ternopil Oblast, Ternopil (Zboriv) Rayon,Kabarivtsi village, Tupikova St., 1; Ternopil Oblast, Ternopil (Zboriv) Rayon, Zaliztsi town, Brodivska (Belkina) St., 3-1; Ternopil Oblast, Ternopil (Zboriv) Rayon, Zaliztsi town, Brodivska (Belkina) St., 3; Ternopil Oblast, Ternopil (Zboriv) Rayon, Kabarivtsi village, Tupikova St., 2.

    The list consists of buildings, equipment, transport and other property.


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  • State block of shares in the authorized capital of JSC...

    Start price:40 791 298

    The state block of shares of JSC “Elektrovazhkhimproekt” (USREOU code 01416777, address: Dnipropetrovsk Oblast, Dnipro city, Voskresenska St., 41) in the amount of 21,366 shares, which is 100% of the authorized capital of the company. The size of the authorized capital of JSC “Elektrovazhkhimproekt” is UAH 22,434.30.

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  • Property complex of SOE “Batyovo Grain Processing Plant”

    Start price:908 260

    Property complex of SOE “Batyovo Grain Processing Plant”, at the address: 90212, Zakarpattia Oblast, Berehove Rayon, Batyovo village, 132 Vashuta St. Main activity according to the Statute is 10.61 – Manufacture of grain mill products. The company has not carried out production activities for many years. Buildings and structures of SOE “Batyovo Grain Processing Plant” are in an unsatisfactory condition, they are not provided with the necessary engineering equipment, there is no heating, electricity, water supply, gas supply.

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