Showing 229–240 of 427 results
Property complex of SOE “Chasiv-Yar State Geological Prospecting Party”
Region:DonetskProperty complex of SOE “Chasiv-Yar State Geological Prospecting Party”.
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Separate property of Novi Borovychi operating location and alcohol storage of...
Region:ChernihivSeparate property of Novi Borovychi operating location and alcohol storage of SOE “UKRSPYRT” at the address: Chernihiv region, Koryukiv district, Novi Borovichi village, Zavodska St., 1, Zavodska St., 7b, Kamka village, Robitnychiy lane, 12, Robitnychiy lane, 9, room 2. The list consists of 477 names of buildings, equipment, movable and other property and is attached at separate files. Please note that the land under the object of privatization is not the object of sale, the questions of land use the buyer decides independently.
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JSC “Ukrainian Energy Machines”
Region:KharkivUkrainian turbine construction company, one of the largest in the world. Specializes in the production of steam turbines for thermal and nuclear power plants, hydraulic turbines for hydroelectric and pumped storage power plants, gas turbines for thermal power plants. Carries out a full cycle of production: design, manufacture, supply, commissioning and maintenance of turbine equipment for all types of power plants.
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Property complex of the state enterprise “Brailiv juice factory”
Region:VinnytsiaProperty complex of the state enterprise “Brailiv juice factory” at the address of Vinnytsia region, Zhmerynka district, Brailiv smt., 10 Chaikovsky St.
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Separate property of the state institution “Kovel correctional colony”
Region:VolynSeparate property of the state institution “Kovel correctional colony” at the address: Volyn region, Kovel, Shevchenka Tarasa St., 20.
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PJSC “Bread-Baking Plant “Zaliznychnyk”
Region:SumyThe state block of shares in the amount of 6,162,080, which is 48.0212% of the authorized capital of the Private Joint-Stock Company “Bread-Baking Plant “Zaliznychnyk”.
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Property complex of SOE “Zarubynskyi spyrtovyi zavod” (Zarubyntsi distillery)
Region:TernopilProperty complex of SOE “Zarubyntsi distillery plant”.
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Recreation center “Svitanok”
Region:MykolayivDormitory house – 161.0 sq.m., bedroom house – 31.4 sq.m., bedroom house – 31.4 sq.m., bedroom house – 31.4 sq.m., dining room – 45.4 sq.m., warehouse-garage, toilet room, showers, a shed with a sink, a shower cabin, a canopy over a biotoilet, fences, wickets, gates, paving. Other assets: metal tank, garbage container, television antenna, etc.
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Separate property of the state institution “Ivano-Frankivsk Penitentiary Institution (№...
Region:Ivano-FrankivskSeparate property of the state institution “Ivano-Frankivsk Penitentiary Institution” (№ 12) at the address: Ivano-Frankivsk region, Kalush district, Trostyanetska village council, “Sivka” tract, 1. List of property that is a part of object is attached by a separate file.
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Property Complex of SOE “Scientific Center of Precision Engineering”
Region:Kyiv cityThe enterprice specializes in research and experimental developments in the field of other natural and technical sciences.
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