SOE “Zakupnyansky quarry”
SOE “Zakupnyansky quarry” includes: 1) office building 2x; 2) Lysohirka quarry buildings; 3) weighing scale building; 4) DEPOT building; 5) building for production; 6) electrical shop building; 7) mechanical workshop building; 8) the building of the limestone flour shop; 9) secondary sorting; 10) gallery No. 1; 11) gallery No. 2; 12) gallery No. 3; 13) gallery No. 4; 14) gallery No. 57601,36; 15) gallery No. 7; 16) gallery conv. No. 6; 17) gallery conv. No. 8; 18) woodworking workshop; 19) DSU No. 3 1 turn; 20) DSU No. 3 2nd turn; 21) carriage overpass; 22) DSD crushing body; 23) boiler room of the industrial site; 24) KTP in ATP 704; 25) material composition; 26) vegetable storage-anti-radiation shelter; 27) one-story guardhouse building; 28) primary sorting; 29) garage premises; 30) repair box in ATP; 31) composition of limestone flour; 32) composition of the VM; 33) warehouse for storing aggregates in ATP; 34) composition of materials; 35) warehouse-garage; 36) 2-story dining room; 37) toilet; 38) transformer substation; 39) transformer substation 35/6 kW; 40) highway; 41) DSD highway – castle; 42) bunker; 43) bunker; 44) bunker; 45) DSD waste bunker; 46) drilling well; 47) drilling well; 48) intra-plant railway canvas; 49) water tower; 50) water supply networks; 51) external power line; 52) fence of administrative buildings; 53) optical communication line; 54) platform for loading vehicles; 55) pneumoforge hammer; 56) loading eye hopper of crude flour; 57) fire tank; 58) filtering fields.
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