PJSC “Sumykhimprom”

Category: Status: being prepared

Company produces mineral fertilizers, coagulants and additives to cement, acid, titanium dioxide and pigments, and other types of chemical products. This large energy-chemical complex has an industrial site of 226 ha. The company includes: 11 main workshops, 20 auxiliary workshops, 7 subdivisions of non-industrial group (catering, sanatorium-preventorium, etc.).

Object documentation


Business activity: production of mineral fertilizers, coagulants and additives to cement, acid, titanium dioxide and pigments, and other types of chemical products.

Facilities: large energy-chemical complex with an industrial site of 226 ha. The company includes: 11 main workshops, 20 auxiliary workshops, 7 subdivisions of non-industrial group (catering, sanatorium-preventorium, etc.).

Average number of employees: 4247

Land plot: no data

Legal obligations: bankruptcy case has been initiated (financial recovery).

Additional information: in 2017 the plant produced 40.2 thousand tonnes of titanium dioxide, 120.4 thousand tonnes of mineral fertilizers of various brands, 234.8 thousand tonnes of sulfuric acid, 45.3 thousand tonnes of iron sulfate, 2.2 thousand tonnes of yellow iron oxide pigment.

Share proposed for privatization: 99.9952%

Starting price: ТВС

Investment advisor: not selected

Additional information

Ground square 226
Part Capital 99.9952
Asset address 40003, Сумська обл., м. Суми, вул. Харківська, п/в 12.
Region Sumy
Type of activity according to NACE 20.15 Виробництво добрив і азотних сполук.
Type of object of Large privatization пакет акцій
Responsible for the preparation of the object ФДМУ
The act by which the object is included in the List of privatization objects Розпорядження Кабінету Міністрів України від 16 січня 2019 р. № 36-р "Про затвердження переліку об’єктів великої приватизації державної власності" (із змінами)
SPFU order on decision-making on privatization of the object від 08.06.2018 № 765
Governing body ФДМУ
EDRPOU code 00032945
Registration number 05766356

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