A group of inventory objects consisting of the housing and communal services department building with a total area of 1486.6 sq. m, stairs, porch, fire escape stairs, checkpoint of industrial base of housing and communal services department with a total area of 16.8 sq. m, heating main pit with a total area of 531.9 sq. m, canopy, warehouse with a total area of 176.0 sq. m, porch, warehouse of the metal with a total area of 79.7 sq. m, paving, intra-yard networks – 3 units. (external telephones for housing and communal services department, external sewerage for housing and communal services department, external heat supply networks), motor vehicles, household equipment, furniture, office equipment – 163 units.

Categories: , , , Status: being prepared

Загальна площа – 2 291 кв. м.
Група інвентарних об’єктів у складі: будівля управління ЖКГ(1972 року), сходи, ґанок, пожежні сходи, прохідна промбази ЖКГ, приямок теплотраси, склади, навіс, склад, ґанок мостіння, внутрішньодворові мережі – 3 од. (зовнішня телефонізація управління ЖКГ, каналізація зовнішня управління ЖКГ, мережі теплопостачання зовнішні), транспортні засоби, господарський інвентар, меблі, офісне обладнання – 163 од.
На теперішній час об’єкт не експлуатується.

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Be the first to question “ A group of inventory objects consisting of the housing and communal services department building with a total area of 1486.6 sq. m, stairs, porch, fire escape stairs, checkpoint of industrial base of housing and communal services department with a total area of 16.8 sq. m, heating main pit with a total area of 531.9 sq. m, canopy, warehouse with a total area of 176.0 sq. m, porch, warehouse of the metal with a total area of 79.7 sq. m, paving, intra-yard networks – 3 units. (external telephones for housing and communal services department, external sewerage for housing and communal services department, external heat supply networks), motor vehicles, household equipment, furniture, office equipment – 163 units. ”