Small privatization
Showing 145–156 of 158 results
Separate property of Dubovyazivka operating location and alcohol storage of...
Region:Окреме майно Дубов’язівського місця провадження діяльності та зберігання спирту ДП «Укрспирт», розташоване за адресами: Сумська область, Конотопський район, смт Дубов’язівка, вул. Петра Лусти, 38-б; Сумська область, Конотопський район, смт Дубов’язівка, вул. Шевченка, 17-а:; Сумська область, Конотопський район, смт Дубов’язівка, вул. Петра Лусти, 38-а; Сумська область, Конотопський район, смт Дубов’язівка, вул. Петра Лусти, 38.
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Property complex of SOE “Chechelnytskyi distillery plant”
Region:VinnytsiaProperty complex of SOE “Chechelnytskyi distillery plant”, USREOU code 05459176, located at the address: 24800, Vinnytsia Oblast, Haisyn Rayon, Chechelnyk urban-type settlement, 17, Parkova St. The property complex includes 44 units of immovable property, 37 units of movable property and 17 vehicles. The property is not registered. Land plots on which the enterprise is located are not part of the privatization object.
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State block of shares in the amount of 100.00% of...
Region:ZaporizhzhiaState block of shares in the amount of 100.00% of the authorized capital of the JOINT STOCK COMPANY “TITANIUM INSTITUTE”, which is 75,311,000.00 shares.
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PJSC “Kolomysky Plant of Agricultural Machinery”
Region:Публічне акціонерне товариство “Коломийський завод сільськогосподарських машин”, код за ЄДРПОУ 00238180, Івано-Франківська обл., м. Коломия, вул. Пушкіна,6. Статутний капітал товариства становить 459994,5 грн. Державний пакет акцій розміром 93,4363 % статуного капіталу товариства.
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Lybid Investment Union LLC
Region:Kyiv cityState share of 66.65% in the authorised capital of Lybid Investment Union LLC (USREOU code 34693827). The authorised capital of the company is UAH 172,761,926.78. The main type of economic activity is rental and operating of own or leased real estate.
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PJSC “Kharkivenergozbut”
Region:Державний пакет акцій розміром 65,001 відсотка статутного капіталу приватного акціонерного товариства “Харківенергозбут” (код згідно з ЄДРПОУ 42206328), що становить 166 754 183 штук акцій номінальною вартістю 3 335,08366 тис. грн. Розмір статутного капіталу приватного акціонерного товариства “Харківенергозбут” (код згідно з ЄДРПОУ 42206328) – 5 130 815,20 грн. Основний вид діяльності – торгівля електроенергією.
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Property complex of SOE Kyiv State Plant «Burevisnyk»
Region:Єдиний майновий комплекс державного підприємства «Київський державний завод «Буревісник».
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Property Complex of SOE “Nepolokivtsi Grain Processing Plant”
Region:ChernivtsiThe object is located on a state-owned land plot, incl. with an area of 18.5596 hectares located at the address: Chernivtsi Oblast, Nepolokivtsi urban-type settlement, Magistralna St., land plot #43, cadastral number – 7322555700:01:002:0151. Purpose of the land plot: for the placement and operation of main, subsidiary and auxiliary buildings and structures of processing, engineering and other industries. The main activity is the manufacture of grain mill products.
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Property complex of state-owned commercial enterprise “Dnipropetrovsk experimental prosthetic and...
Region:DniproThe object is a property complex of state-owned commercial enterprise “Dnipropetrovsk experimental prosthetic and orthopedic enterprise” (USREOU code 03187660). The main activity of the enterprise is the manufacture of medical and dental instruments and supplies (type of activity according to the NACE code: 32.50).
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State block of shares in the amount of 97.5458% of...
Region:ZaporizhzhiaState block of shares of the Joint Stock Company “Zaporizhzhia Industrial Aluminium Plant” in the amount of 607446012 shares which is 97.5458% of the authorized capital of the company (including the state block of shares in the amount of 29.5363 % regarding which a court decision has been made to apply a sanction in accordance with the Law of Ukraine “On Sanctions”).
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Property complex of SOE “Rivne Regional Production and Technical Center...
Region:RivneProperty complex of SOE “Rivne Regional Production and Technical Center for Standardization, Metrology and Product Quality “Oblagrostandard” (USREOU code 05500569), located at the following address: Rivne city, 3B, Budivelnykiv St. Office building is a two-story brick building with a total area of 341.1 sq. m (concrete foundation, brick walls, concrete floor, roof – roofing felt).
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State block of shares in the amount of 100% of...
Region:Kyiv cityState block of shares in the amount of 100% of the authorised capital of the state joint-stock company ‘Ukrbud’ Construction Company (USREOU code: 33298371). The authorised capital of the company is UAH 193136000.00. The main activity is the construction of residential and non-residential buildings.
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