On June 4, 2021, privatization of the single property complex of the health camp “Soniachnyi”, located on the Black Sea coast, in urban-type settlement Serhiivka, Bilhorod-Dnistrovskyi district, Odesa region, will be auctioned online.
The camp is in an abandoned condition, the activities have not been carried out since 2006.
At the same time, the object has an investment potential due to its location, area of construction and area of a land plot.
The object consists of 11 units of real estate property (remains of constructions) with the total area of 5 318 sq. m, including buildings of: dormitory, canteen, cinema, aid station, admissions office, etc. An area of a land plot under construction is 2 ha.
The distance from Serhiivka to Bilhorod-Dnistrovskyi and Zatoka is about 20 km, to Odessa is 80 km.
Starting price is UAH 6,047,922, and accepting applications for participation in the online auction will last until June 3.
More details on the privatization object: https://bit.ly/33UczEk