On May 28, 2021, online auction will be held for privatization non-operating health resort “Lazurny”, which is located on the coast of Azov Sea in Yuriivka village, Mangush district, Donetsk oblast.
Yuriivka – resort settlement, there are more than ten children’s health camps and many recreation centers on its territory.
The distance from Yuriivka to the regional center is 20 km, to Berdiansk and Mariupol, located on opposite sides of the resting place, is about 50 km.
The health camp is currently not operational, but retains a high investment potential due to the location, area of buildings and the size of the land on which the facility is located.
The asset consists of 67 units of fixed assets, including buildings and structures with a total area of 5705 sq. m., the size of land plots – 4.7612 hectares.
According to the terms of privatization, the institution must maintain its profile and resume work.
Asset’s starting price is UAH 10,475,350; applications for participation in an online auction are accepted until May 27.
More detailed information about health resort “Lazurny” can be found at: https://bit.ly/3bdMd3D.