Property complex of state-owned commercial enterprise “Ternopil experimental prosthetic-and-orthopedic enterprise”

Categories: , , , Status: Waiting for the protocol
Start price:

22 846 834 11 423 417

Winner price:

₴14 140 500

Property complex of state-owned commercial enterprise “Ternopil experimental prosthetic and orthopedic enterprise” (USREOU code  14053827), located at the address: Ternopil Oblast, Ternopil city, 10, Troleibusna St.

Object documentation

Take part in the auction


Name of the privatization object: property complex of state-owned commercial enterprise “Ternopil experimental prosthetic and orthopedic enterprise”.

Location: Ternopil Oblast, Ternopil city, 10, Troleibusna St.

USREOU code (ЄДРПОУ): 14053827.

The average registered number of employees as of 30.06.2024: 26 people.

The main type of economic activity according to the Charter: manufacture of medical and dental instruments and supplies.

Sales volume of products (works, services) for the period 2021 – Q2 2024: UAH 61,014.0 thousand, including export – none.

Main range of products (works, services):

  • prosthetic and orthopedic products;
  • orthopedic footwear;
  • orthopedic footwear repair;
  • splints and hinges.

Volume and main nomenclature of products (works, services):

Period Total income

thousand UAH

Income by main activity

thousand UAH

2021 16,304.0 13,956.0
2022 19,210.0 16,585.0
2023 19,913.0 19,764.0
Q2 2024 10,774.0 10,709.0

The main indicators of the enterprise’s economic activity:

# Indicators

(thousand UAH)

2021 2022 2023 Q2 2024
1. Assets 14138 21788 25029 22873
1.1 Fixed assets 4887 10197 10023 9944
1.2 Current assets 9051 11392 14807 12730
2. Equity 7332 8016 4694 985
3. Total income, including: 16304 19210 19913 10774
3.1 Net income from sales of products (goods, works, services) 13956 16585 19764 10709
4. Total costs, including: 16162 18993 23074 14418
4.1 Cost of goods sold (goods, works, services) 12022 13353 19464 9978
4.2 Administrative costs 1638 2465 3070 1540
4.4 Other operating costs 2264 2847 334 2783
4.6 Income tax expenses 31 47
5. Net profit (loss) 142 217 -3161 -3644

As of June 30, 2024:

Overdue accounts payable – UAH 20,300,639.41, including:

  • wage arrears – UAH 0.00;
  • debt to the budget – UAH 0.00;
  • other accounts payable – UAH 20,300,639.41.

Real estate information: the property complex includes 7 registered units of real estate and infrastructure (main building with basement, mezzanine, stairs; 2 garages; utility building; paving; 2 fences, etc.) with a total area of ​​3,662.1 sq. m, located at the following address:

  • Ternopil city, 10, Troleibusna St.

Land plot information: 1 registered land plot with a total area of ​​0.5362 ha.

There are no buildings or structures belonging to other owners on the land plot.

Vehicles information: 7 units of motor vehicles manufactured in 1997–2007.

List of assets (movable property) that are recorded on the balance sheet of the enterprise and are part of the privatization object: 977 units (equipment, furniture, inventory, etc.) (for more details see the appendix to the information notification).

The enterprise’s property is not leased.

The enterprise did not receive government orders or mobilization tasks.

The enterprise’s balance sheet includes objects that are not subject to privatization, namely:

  • residential apartment located at the following address:  Ternopil city, 19, Prosvity Boulevard, apartment #120.

Volumes of emissions and discharges of pollutants into the environment, generation and disposal of waste, information on the payment of environmental fees and charges:

  1. The volume of emissions of pollutants into the atmospheric air for the first half of 2024 (according to form No. 2TP (air), in total for the enterprise – 0.129 tons.
  2. Waste generation for the first half of 2024 (according to form No. 1 – waste), in total for the enterprise – 11,496.0 tons.
  3. Environmental payments for the first half of 2024 (according to form No. 1 – environmental costs), actually paid in total – UAH 0.0242 thousand.
  4. Discharges of pollutants into the environment – none.

Privatization conditions:

  • maintaining the company’s main activity profile for 10 years;
  • preventing the dismissal of employees during 6 months;
  • repayment of debts on wages and to the budget within 6 months.

Time and place of the object inspection: on weekdays from 9.00 to 17.00 at the place of its location at the address: Ternopil Oblast, Ternopil city, 10, Troleibusna St.

Responsible person at the facility: Yury M. Khomitskyi, director of the state-owned commercial enterprise “Ternopil Experimental Prosthetic and Orthopedic Enterprise”.

Contact phone: +38050 516 46 61, Е-mail:

Auction organizer: Regional office of the State Property Fund of Ukraine in Ivano-Frankivsk, Chernivtsi and Ternopil oblasts, address: 76019, Ivano-Frankivsk city, 48, Vasiliyanok St.

Business hours: from 8.00 to 17.00 (except weekends), on Friday – from 8.00 to 15.45, lunch break from 12.00 to 12.45.

Representative of the auction organizer: Administration on the exercise of authority in Ternopil оblast of the Regional office of the State Property Fund of Ukraine in Ivano-Frankivsk, Chernivtsi and Ternopil oblasts, address: 46008, Ternopil city, 11, Stary Podil St, website address

Responsible person: Oleksandr H. Linevyuk, Deputy Head of the Regional Office – Head of the Administration on the exercise of authority in Ternopil оblast of the Regional office of the State Property Fund of Ukraine in Ivano-Frankivsk, Chernivtsi and Ternopil oblasts, tel. (+380352) 52-73-77, e-mail:

Additional information

Bid date 09.09.2024
Asset address 46003, Ukraine, Ternopil Oblast, Ternopil city, 10, Troleibusna St.
Region Ternopil
Balance holder State-owned commercial enterprise “Ternopil experimental prosthetic and orthopedic enterprise”, USREOU code 14053827
Type of activity according to NACE 32.50 Manufacture of medical and dental instruments and supplies (main)
15.20 Manufacture of footwear
33.17 Repair and maintenance of other transport equipment
47.74 Retail sale of medical and orthopaedic goods in specialised stores
86.10 Hospital activities
87.10 Residential nursing care activities
95.23 Repair of footwear and leather goods
95.29 Repair of other personal and household goods
Responsible for the preparation of the object Regional branch office of the State Property Fund of Ukraine in Ivano-Frankivsk, Chernivtsi and Ternopil Oblasts, USREOU code 42891875
Contact person for the object Oleksandr G. Linevyuk, +380977888859,
The act by which the object is included in the List of privatization objects Order of the State Property Fund of Ukraine dated March 19, 2023 No. 548 "On Amendments to Order of the State Property Fund of Ukraine dated January 4, 2022 No. 1 "On Approval of Lists of Small Privatization Objects Subject to Privatization (with amendments)"
Order of the SPFU RV on the decision on privatization № 040 dated 26.03.2024
Method of privatization Auction with lowered starting price
Initial cost 11 423 417,07
Warranty fee 2 284 683,41
Acceptance of applications to 08/09/2024
Information about the winner "BIOFROST" LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY, № 43864329
The price is offered by the winner 14140500,00

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