State block of shares in the amount of 97.5458% of the authorized capital of the Joint Stock Company “Zaporizhzhia Industrial Aluminium Plant”, amounting to 607446012 shares

Categories: , , Status: being prepared

State block of shares of the Joint Stock Company “Zaporizhzhia Industrial Aluminium Plant” in the amount of 607446012 shares which is 97.5458% of the authorized capital of the company (including the state block of shares in the amount of 29.5363 % regarding which a court decision has been made to apply a sanction in accordance with the Law of Ukraine “On Sanctions”).

Object documentation

An auction is expected


Name of the privatization object: state block of shares of the Joint Stock Company “Zaporizhzhia Industrial Aluminium Plant” in the amount of 607446012 shares which is 97.5458% of the authorized capital of the company (including the state block of shares in the amount of 29.5363 % regarding which a court decision has been made to apply a sanction in accordance with the Law of Ukraine “On Sanctions”).

Location: 69032, Zaporizhzhia Oblast, Zaporizhzhia city, 15, Pivdenne shose St.

USREOU code (ЄДРПОУ): 00194122.

Amount of the Company’s authorized capital: UAH 155,682,280.00.

Average number of employees: as of 31.12.2023 – 81 people, as of 31.03.2024 – 64 people.

Business activity: aluminium production (NACE code: 24.42).

The volume of sales of products (works, services) for the period 2021 – Q1 2024: UAH 2,433.0 thousand.

Main product range: aluminum wire rod – customer-supplied raw material processing services.

Volume and main nomenclature of products (works, services):

Period Total income

thousand UAH

Income by main activity

thousand UAH

2021 50 916.0 1 811.0
2022 14 913.0 284.0
2023 8 291.0 338.0
Q1 2024 818.0

Main financial indicators:

# Indicators

(thousand UAH)

2021 2022 2023 Q1 2024
1. Assets 123 475 120 112 116 327 116 895
1.1 Non-Current assets 39173 34 474 30 791 29 650
1.2 Current assets 61735 63 609 64 290 66 148
2. Liabilities (6 713 541) (6 772 856) (6 829 085) (6 817 663)
3. Total income, including: 50 916 14 913 8 291 818
3.1 Net income from sales of products (goods, works, services) 1 811 284 338
4. Total costs, including: (87 710) (74 228) (65 443) (16 546)
4.1 Cost of goods sold (goods, works, services) (1 530) (282) (336)
4.2 Administrative costs (62 475) (55 674) (49 759) (13 745)
4.4 Other operating costs (22 976) (18 257) (15 348) (2 801)
4.6 Income tax expenses
5. Net profit (loss) (36 794) (59 315) (57 152) (15 728)

As of March 31, 2024, overdue accounts payable amounted to UAH 6,446,671.0 thousand, including:

  • wage arrears – UAH 13,986.4 thousand;
  • debt to the budget – UAH 278,027.5 thousand;
  • other accounts payable – UAH 6,154,657.1 thousand.

Property information (real estate): the property includes 1,497 registered units of real estate and infrastructure with a total area of ​​370,929.85 sq. m, located at the following addresses:

  • Zaporizhzhia Oblast, Zaporizhzhia city, 15, Pivdenne shose St.;
  • Zaporizhzhia Oblast, Zaporizhzhia city, 1a, Metalurhiv St;
  • Zaporizhzhia Oblast, Zaporizhzhia city, 11, Pivnichne shose St.;
  • Zaporizhzhia Oblast, Zaporizhzhia city, 33, Budynok vidpochynku St.;
  • Zaporizhzhia Oblast, Zaporizhzhia city, Nezalezhnoi Ukrainy St.;
  • Zaporizhzhia Oblast, Zaporizhzhia city, 17, Zahorska St.;
  • Zaporizhzhia Oblast, Zaporizhzhia Rayon, Hryhorivska village council, Industrial complex of JSC “Zaporizhzhia Industrial Aluminium Plant”;
  • Zaporizhzhia Oblast, Zaporizhzhia city, 43, Timurivska St.;
  • Kirovohrad Oblast, Svitlovodsk town, Observatorna St.;
  • Zaporizhzhia Oblast, Primorsk town, 77, Kurortna St.;
  • Zaporizhzhia Oblast, Zaporizhzhia Rayon, Stepne village, 58, Nahorna St.;
  • Zaporizhzhia Oblast, Kirillivka urban-type settlement, 107, Fedotova kosa St.

Information on land plots: 25 registered land plots with a total area of ​​216.0856 hectares.

Vehicles information: 291 units of motor vehicles and special equipment.

Information on lease agreements: as of 31.05.2023, part of the enterprise’s real estate with a total area of ​​6,755.6 sq. m was leased in accordance with 8 agreements. The maximum term of the lease agreements is until 01.09.2065.

The balance sheet of JSC “Zaporizhzhia Industrial Aluminium Plant” includes 18 state-owned objects that were not included in the company’s authorized capital and remained in state ownership (2 shelters, devices, radio stations, utility networks, highways, etc.).

On the territory of JSC “Zaporizhzhia Industrial Aluminium Plant” at the address: Zaporizhzhia city, 15, Pivdenne shose St., the property of the State Enterprise “Aluminum Foil Plant” (USREOU code 33210902) is located under the property storage agreement dated 30.12.2009 No. 440D (2009).

From 2021 to 2023 inclusive, there were no exceedances of emission standards, discharges of pollutants into the environment and waste disposal limits at industrial landfills.

For 2021 – 2023, environmental payments were paid in the total amount of UAH 212,716.20.

Privatization conditions:

  • repayment of debts on wages and to the budget within 18 months;
  • preventing the dismissal of employees during 6 months.

Time and place of the object inspection:  on weekdays from 9:00 to 15:00 at the location of the object: Zaporizhzhia Oblast, Zaporizhzhia city, 15 Pivdenne  shose St., by prior agreement with the representative of the auction organizer.

Phone: +38061 226 07 51, +38095 686 21 99, e-mail:

Responsible person: Lina M. Litvinova.

Auction organizer: Regional Office of the State Property Fund of Ukraine in Dnipropetrovsk, Zaporizhzhya and Kirovohrad Oblasts, address: 49000, Dnipro city, 6 Centralna St., website address –

The representative of the auction organizer: Administration on the exercise of authority in Zaporizhzhia Oblast of the Regional Office of the State Property Fund of Ukraine in Dnipropetrovsk, Zaporizhzhia, and Kirovohrad Oblasts, address: 69018, Zaporizhzhia city, 50 Peremohy St.

Telephone for information: +38061 226 07 51, +38061 226 07 76, (095) 686 21 99.

Business hours: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday from 8:00 to 17:00 (lunch break from 12:00 to 12:45), Friday from 8:00 to 15:45 (lunch break from 12:00 to 12:00 45).

Additional information

Part Capital 97.5458
Asset address 69032, Zaporizhzhia Oblast, Zaporizhzhia city, 15, Pivdenne shose St.
Region Zaporizhzhia
Type of activity according to NACE 24.42 Aluminium production (main)
08.12 Operation of gravel and sand pits; mining of clays and kaolin
46.72 Wholesale of metals and metal ores
55.90 Other accommodation
38.32 Recovery of sorted materials
Responsible for the preparation of the object Regional Office of the State Property Fund of Ukraine in Dnipropetrovsk, Zaporizhzhya and Kirovohrad Oblasts, USREOU code 42767945
Contact person for the object Lina M. Litvinova, +38061 226 07 51,
The act by which the object is included in the List of privatization objects Order of the State Property Fund of Ukraine dated January 4, 2022 No. 1 "On approval of lists of objects of small privatization subject to privatization in 2022" (with changes)
Order of the SPFU RV on the decision on privatization No. 12/1-64 dated 02.02.2022, as amended on 03.06.2024 No. 12/1-125
Method of privatization Auction with/without conditions

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