Property complex of SOE “Ivano-Frankivsk Research and Design Institute of Land Management”

Categories: , , , Status: Payment expected
Start price:

2 790 400 1 395 200

Winner price:

₴25 500 000

Property complex of SOE “Ivano-Frankivsk Research and Design Institute of Land Management” located at the address: Ivano-Frankivsk Oblast, Ivano-Frankivsk city, 34 Akademika Sakharova St.

Object documentation



Name of the privatization object: property complex of SOE “Ivano-Frankivsk Research and Design Institute of Land Management”.

Location: 76014, Ivano-Frankivsk Oblast, Ivano-Frankivsk city, 34 Akademika Sakharova St.

USREOU code (ЄДРПОУ): 00689190.

Average number of employees as of 31.01.2024: 30 people.

The main type of economic activity according to the Charter: other research and experimental development on natural sciences and engineering (NACE Class 72.19).

Volume of sales of products (work, services) for 2023: UAH 7,693.3 thousand, no export.

The main range of products (works, services): technical documentation on land management to establish the boundaries of land plots, no export.

Volume and main nomenclature of products (works, services):

Period Total income

thousand UAH

Income by main activity

thousand UAH

2021 9772.3 9493.1
2022 3793.8 3661.3
2023 8041.5 7693.3

Main financial indicators:

# Indicators

(thousand UAH)

2021 2022 2023
1. Assets 4120.4 3110.2 2790.4
1.1 Fixed assets 429.9 370.5 314.5
1.2 Current assets 3545 2601.4 2338.9
2. Equity 1390.3 1282.8 1372.7
3. Total income, including: 9772.3 3793.8 8041.5
3.1 Net income from sales of products (goods, works, services) 9493.1 3793.8 7693.3
4. Total costs, including: 9526.2 3901.3 7946.6
4.1 Cost of goods sold (goods, works, services) 7054.8 2347.6 5313.7
4.2 Administrative costs 2090 1067.4 2197
4.4 Other operating costs 328 389 429
4.6 Income tax expenses 54.1 97.3 6.9
5. Net profit (loss) 246.1 107.5 94.9

As of January 1, 2024, overdue accounts payable – UAH 368 thousand, including:

  • wage arrears – UAH 0 thousand;
  • debt to the budget – UAH 0 thousand;
  • other accounts payable – UAH 368 thousand.

Information about the object (real estate), located at the following address: Ivano-Frankivsk Oblast, Ivano-Frankivsk city, 34 Akademika Sakharova St.:

Name Total  area,     sq. m Registration          number Basis  of ownership Form of ownership and owner
Administrative building 1880.6 1176682326101 Information from the State Register of Property Rights to  Real Estate and the Register of Property Rights to Real Estate, the State Register  of Mortgages, the Unified Register of Prohibitions on the Alienation of Real Estate in relation to a real estate object dated February 22, 2024 No. 366995789 State / SPFU

Functional use: 1220.9 – other buildings for office and administrative purposes.

Information about the land plot located at the following address: Ivano-Frankivsk Oblast, Ivano-Frankivsk city, 34 Akademika Sakharova St.:

Name Land area (sq. m) Cadastral number Purpose of the land plot Form of ownership, grounds for the right to use the land plot, information on encumbrances
Land plot 0.1493 2610100000:20:002:0008 For the construction and maintenance of buildings and structures of scientific institutions State. State act on the right of permanent use of a land plot dated October 18, 2005, series YaYa  No. 080915, Extract from the State Land Cadastre NV-2600341192013  dated October 3, 2013

Vehicle information: 5 motor vehicles produced between 1990 and 2005.

List of assets (movable property) that are recorded on the balance sheet of the enterprise and are part of the privatization object: 553 units (equipment, furniture, inventory, etc.) (more details see in the appendix to the information notification).

Information on lease agreements: as of December 31, 2023, part of the enterprise’s real estate with a total area of 840.5 sq. m was leased in accordance with 2 contracts. The maximum validity period of lease agreements is until August 01, 2028.

There are no objects on the balance sheet of the enterprise that are not subject to privatization.

There are no emissions or discharges of pollutants into the environment at the enterprise, and the enterprise does not generate or dispose of waste. The enterprise does not pay environmental fees and charges.

Privatization conditions:

  • repayment of debts on wages and to the budget within 6 months;
  • preventing the dismissal of employees during 6 months.

Time and place of the object inspection:  on weekdays from 8:00 to 15:45 at the location of the object: Ivano-Frankivsk Oblast, Ivano-Frankivsk city, 34 Akademika Sakharova St.

Auction organizer: Regional branch office of the State Property Fund of Ukraine in Ivano-Frankivsk, Chernivtsi and Ternopil Oblasts, address: Ivano-Frankivsk city, 48 Vasiliyanok St., 3rd floor, website address:

Responsible person: Mykhailo V. Havrylyak, Head of the Department of Privatization, Management of State Property and Corporate Rights of the Regional branch office of the State Property Fund of Ukraine in Ivano-Frankivsk, Chernivtsi and Ternopil Oblasts, telephone for information: (+380342) 75 23 67, e-mail address:

Responsible person from the balance holder: Maryana R. Tytska, telephone for information: +38 096 865 72 09.

Additional information

Bid date 03.07.2024
Asset address 76014, Ukraine, Ivano-Frankivsk Oblast, Ivano-Frankivsk city, 34 Akademika Sakharova St.
Region Ivano-Frankivsk
Balance holder SOE “Ivano-Frankivsk Research and Design Institute of Land Management”, USREOU code 00689190
Type of activity according to NACE 72.19 Other research and experimental development on natural sciences and engineering (main)
68.31 Real estate agencies
69.10 Activities in the field of law
71.11 Activities in the field of architecture
71.12 Activities in the field of engineering, geology and geodesy, provision of technical consulting services in these areas
Responsible for the preparation of the object Regional branch office of the State Property Fund of Ukraine in Ivano-Frankivsk, Chernivtsi and Ternopil Oblasts, USREOU code 42891875
Contact person for the object Mykhailo V. Gavrylyak, +380504330668, GAVRYLJAK_26@SPFU.GOV.UA
The act by which the object is included in the List of privatization objects Order of the State Property Fund of Ukraine dated 06.02.2024 No. 223 "On Amendments to the Order of the State Property Fund of Ukraine dated 04.01.2022 No. 1 "On Approval of Lists of Small Privatization Objects Subject to Privatization (with Amendments)"
Order of the SPFU RV on the decision on privatization № 59 dated 09.02.2024
Method of privatization Auction with/without conditions
Initial cost 1 395 200,00
Warranty fee 279 040,00
Acceptance of applications to 02/07/2024
Information about the winner "TD INTERNATIONAL" LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY, EDRPOU code 44284188, Ukraine, 76018, Ivano-Frankivsk region, Ivano-Frankivsk city, Voyiskovy Veteraniv street, building 12
The price is offered by the winner 25500000.00

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