
Auction with/without conditions

Showing 85–96 of 102 results

  • Separate property of Lypnyky operating location and alcohol storage of...

    Start price:21 627 384

    Separate property of Lypnyky operating location and alcohol storage of SOE “UKRSPYRT” at the addresses: Zhytomyr region, Korosten (Luhynskyi) district, Lypnyky village, Zavodska St., 1; Korosten (Luhynskyi) district, Lypnyky village, M. Zhukova St., 127; Korosten (Ovrutskyi) district, Ignatpil village, Zaliznychna St., 21-a. The list consists of 653 names of buildings, equipment, movable and other property and is attached as a separate file. Please note that the land under the object of privatization is not the object of sale, the questions of land use the buyer decides independently.

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  • Property complex of SOE “Heroiske Research and Industrial Enterprise”

    Start price:6 130 331

    State-owned enterprise, the main activity of which is the extraction of table salt, obtained by evaporation from the sea water of the Black Sea in open sedimentary basins. The enterprise is located on the bank of the Dnipro estuary, 70 km from the regional center – the town of Hola Prystan. Production facilities for the extraction of salt – hydraulic structures (basins – preparatory, cage, ditches, sluices, etc.) on the chain of lakes are filled with sea water of the Yagorlytsky Bay of the Black Sea.

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  • Property complex of SOE “Kharkiv Research Institute for Comprehensive Automation”

    Start price:34 475 450
    Legal address of SOE – Kharkiv, Kuznechniy lane, 2; actual address of real estate – Kharkiv, Kuznechniy lane, 2, 4/6. The main activity of the SOE is other research and experimental development on natural sciences and engineering (main NACE – 72.19). The volume of sales of products (works, services) for the period 2018 – 1h 2021: UAH 33280 thousand, including export – UAH 1778.3 thousand. The average number of employees as of 30.06.2021: 26 people. Cost for 1h of 2021 of non-current assets – UAH 30,080.1 thousand; current assets – UAH 4395.9 thousand. As of 30.06.2021: current accounts payable – UAH 294.2 thousand, no overdue accounts payable. The SOE  has a land plot of 9062 sq.m. on the right of permanent use. Land tax is paid monthly in the amount of UAH 147,360.9, the amount of land tax for 2021 is UAH 1,768,483.0. The SOE includes 12 real estate objects, a yard covering, a canopy for parking, a fence, covered parking, 4 cars, 1055 units of other non-current assets. The buyer is the legal successor of the property rights (except for the right of permanent use of the land plot) and the obligations of the SOE.
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  • Separate property of Kosari operating location and alcohol storage of...

    Start price:49 420 474

    Separate property of Kosari operating location and alcohol storage of SOE “UKRSPYRT” at the addresses: Cherkasy region, Cherkasy district, Kosari village, Shkilna St. (Lenina St.), 30/18-a; Cherkasy region, Cherkasy district, Kosari village, Kholodnoyarska St. (Kirova St.), 1; Cherkasy district, Kosari village council (distillery waste pumping station); Cherkasy region, Cherkasy district, Kosari village, Modestova St. (Zhovtneva St.), 8-a; Cherkasy region, Smila, Soborna St. (Sverdlova St.), 77; Cherkasy region, Cherkasy district, Kosari village, Kholodnoyarska St. (Kirova St.), 11b; Cherkasy region, Cherkasy district, Kosari village, Peremohy St., 1. The list consists of 1363 names of buildings, equipment, movable and other property and is attached by a separate file.

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  • Separate property of the state institution “Kovel correctional colony”


    Separate property of the state institution “Kovel correctional colony” at the address: Volyn region, Kovel, Shevchenka Tarasa St., 20.

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  • Property complex of SOE “Kalush сombined heat and power plant...

    Start price:230 158 661

    The property complex of the state owned  enterprise at the address: Kalush, Promyslova St., 1. The average number of employees as of 30.09.2021 – 625 people. Main economic activity according to NACE: 35.30 supply of steam, hot water and air conditioning. The volume of products (works, services) for the period of 2018 – 9 months of 2021: UAH 3,964,761 thousand, including export – 0. The main nomenclature of products (works, services): thermal energy, electricity, including export – 0.

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  • Separate property of the state institution “Ivano-Frankivsk Penitentiary Institution (№...


    Separate property of the state institution “Ivano-Frankivsk Penitentiary Institution” (№ 12) at the address: Ivano-Frankivsk region, Kalush district, Trostyanetska village council, “Sivka” tract, 1. List of property that is a part of object is attached by a separate file.

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  • Separate property of Vuzlove operating location and alcohol storage of...

    Start price:23 558 487

    Separate property of Vuzlove operating location and alcohol storage of SOE “UKRSPYRT”, at the addresses: Lviv region, Chervonohrad (Radekhiv) district,Vuzlove village, Shevchenka St., 7; Lviv region, Chervonohrad (Radekhiv) district, Radekhiv, Halytska St., 6.

    The list of property of the object to be privatized is attached by a separate file.

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  • Property complex of SOE “Ukrainian State Center for Testing and...

    Start price:822 611

    Property complex of SOE “Ukrainian State Center  for Testing and Forecasting of Equipment and Technologies for Agricultural Production” (USREOU code (ЄДРПОУ): 00470252) at the address: Kyiv Oblast, Bilotserkivskyi Rayon, Doslydnitske village,Ingenerna St., 5.

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  • Separate property of the state institution “Pryluky correctional colony”


    Separate property of the state institution “Pryluky correctional colony” consisting of 40 inventory units, at the address: Chernihiv region, Pryluky, Kyivska St., 234; Industrialna St., 4d.

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  • State block of shares in the amount of 0.21% of...

    Start price:14 406

    State block of shares in the amount of 0.21% of the authorized capital of PJSC “Breeding Farm “Yanenkivsky” (USREOU code 20597543, Kyiv Oblast, Boryspil (Pereyaslav-Khmelnytskyi) Rayon, Pologi – Yanenki village), amounting to 12,000 shares. The authorized capital of PJSC “Breeding Farm “Yanenkivsky” is UAH 1,428,820 thousand. The nominal value of the stake is UAH 3,000.

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  • Separate property of the state institution “Oleksiyivska сorrectional facility (№25)”


    Separate property of the state institution “Oleksiyivska сorrectional facility (№25)” at the address: Kharkiv region, Kharkiv district, Podvirky village , Makarenka St., 1; Kharkiv region, Kharkiv district, Podvirky village , Makarenka St., 1G; Kharkiv region, Kharkiv district, Podvirky village , Makarenka St., 1E; Kharkiv region, Kharkiv district, Podvirky village , Makarenka St., 1D.

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