Auction with/without conditions
Showing 13–24 of 102 results
Property complex of SOE “Interregional Scientific and Engineering Center for...
Region:DniproProperty complex of SOE “Interregional Scientific and Engineering Center for Certification of Quality Systems, Pipes, Cylinders and Other Metal Products “VNITI-TEST” registered at: Dnipro, Pisarzhevsky St., 1-A. The main activity of the enterprise is technical testing and research.
Auction date:26.04.2021 -
Property complex of SOE “Chasiv-Yar State Geological Prospecting Party”
Region:DonetskProperty complex of SOE “Chasiv-Yar State Geological Prospecting Party”.
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Property complex of SOE “Certification Body UKRNDIMET-CERT”
Region:KharkivLegal address of SPC: Kharkiv, Darwina St., 20; actual address of real estate: Kharkiv, Batytskogo Marshala St., 30/5.
The main activity of the SPC is the other research and experimental development on natural sciences and engineering (main NACE – 72.19).
The volume of sales of products (works, services) for the period 01.01.2018 – 31.12.2020: UAH 1217 thousand.
The average number of employees as of 31.05.2021: 4 people. Cost for 5 months of 2021 of non-current assets – UAH 95.0 thousand; current assets – UAH 198 thousand.
As of 31.05.2021: current accounts payable – UAH 157 thousand, other accounts payable – UAH 32 thousand.
The land plot is not separated. Land tax (under real estate) is paid monthly in the amount of UAH 6042.62, annually in the amount of UAH 72,511.47.
SPC consists of 2 real estate objects: non-residential buildings letter A-1 with a total area of 891.1 sq.m. and letter B-2 with a total area of 521.8 sq.m.Auction date:19.08.2021 -
Property complex of SOE “Special Design and Technological Bureau of...
Region:ZhytomyrProperty complex of SOE “Special Design and Technological Bureau of G. E. Pukhov Institute of Modelling Problem in Power Engineering of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine”. The object includes a part of a three-storey administrative building with a total area of 1282.7 sq.m. equipped with a heat meter with sensors in a set, which is located in the center of the city next to low-rise housing and educational institutions. The main activity in accordance with the Charter is research and experimental development in the field of other natural and technical sciences. In fact, it has not been implemented since 2012.
Auction date:20.10.2022 -
Property complex of SOE “Scientific Research Institute “AKORD”
Region:CherkasyThe state enterprise is active. Main type of activity 72.19 Research and experimental developments in the field of other natural and technical sciences. Authorized capital is UAH 719,265.48. The enterprise occupies 1, 2, 5, 6 and technical floors with a total area of 2039.0 sq. m of six-story building (letter A6), building No. 44; ownership of real estate is registered. The average number of employees as of June 30, 2022 is 5 people. The volume of sales of products (works, services) for the period of 2019 – the first half of 2022 is UAH 5,304.0 thousand, including export – UAH 0 thousand. The main nomenclature of products: research and experimental developments in the field of other natural and technical sciences; electrical installation works. Current accounts payable, incl. wages are UAH 232.00 thousand. Three land plots were granted to the enterprise with the right of permanent use: cadastral number 7110136700:05:003:0084 with an area of 0.1406 hectares; 7110136700:04:014:0062 with an area of 0.6424 ha; 7110136700:04:014:0063 with an area of 0.469 ha. There are no lease agreements for the property complex or its parts.
Auction date:19.10.2022 -
Separate property of Ovechatske operating location and alcohol storage of...
Region:VinnytsiaSeparate property of Ovechatske operating location and alcohol storage of SOE “UKRSPYRT” at the address: Vinnytsia region, Kalynivskyi district, Druzhne village, Promyslova (Zhovtneva) St., 25; Vinnytsia region, Kalynivskyi district, Druzhne village, Promyslova (Zhovtneva) St., 39; Vinnytsia region, Kalynivskyi district, Druzhne village, Promyslova (Zhovtneva) St., 40; Vinnytsia region, Kalynivskyi district, Druzhne village, Promyslova (Zhovtneva) St., 41.
The list consists of 674 items of buildings, equipment, transport and other property.
Auction date:22.10.2020 -
Separate property of Bershad operating location and alcohol storage of...
Region:VinnytsiaSeparate property of Bershad operating location and alcohol storage of SOE “UKRSPYRT” at the address: Vinnytsya region, Bershad, Pokrivska St. (50 rokiv Zhovtnya), 3, Vinnytsya region, Bershad, I.Zborovskogo St., (Chkalova), 1, I.Zborovskogo St., (Chkalova), 1B, Vinnytsya region, Bershad, Kadenyuka St. (Parkhomenka), 12, Vinnytsya region, Bershad district, Dzhulynka village, Promyslova St. (60-richya Zhovtnya), 11, Vinnytsya region, Bershad district, Velyka Kyryivka village, Shevchenka St. (Lenina), 52A.
The list consists of 768 items of buildings, equipment, transport and other property.
Auction date: -
Separate property of Nemyriv operating location and alcohol storage of...
Region:VinnytsiaSeparate property of Nemyriv operating location and alcohol storage of SOE “UKRSPYRT” at the address: Vinnytsia region, Nemyriv, Gorkogo St., 28, Vinnytsia region, Nemyriv, Gorky St., 31A; Vinnytsia region, Nemyriv, Gorky St., 30; Vinnytsia region, Nemyriv, Gorky St., 105B; Vinnytsia region, Nemyriv, Gorky St., 6V; Vinnytsia region, Nemyriv district, Nemyriv, Soborna St., 28; Vinnytsia region, Nemyriv district, Medvezhanska village council.
The list consists of 1386 items of buildings, equipment, transport and other property.
Auction date: -
Separate property of Martynivka operating location and alcohol storage of...
Region:VinnytsiaSeparate property of Martynivka operating location and alcohol storage of SOE “UKRSPYRT” at address: Vinnytsia region, Zhmerynskyi district, Martynivka village, M. Yazhuka St., 20 (Lenina, 1).
The list consists of 532 items of buildings, equipment, transport and other property and is attached by a separate file.
Auction date: -
Property complex of SOE “ELMIS Special Design Bureau”
Region:ZaporizhzhiaProperty complex of SOE “ELMIS Special Design Bureau” (USREOU code 20473002) located at the address: Zaporizhzhya, Novobudov St, 7.
Auction date: -
Non-residential premises (recreation center) consisting of: dormitory building, 1A, 26.54...
Region:CherkasyNon-residential premises of the recreation center built in 1984, consisting of: three dormitory buildings; kitchen and billiard room, surrounded by a fence around the perimeter; available communications: electricity, water supply (column), sewerage (cesspool). The general physical condition of the premises is satisfactory. The privatization object is located in the recreational zone on the outskirts of the village of Korobivka.
Dormitory buildings: wooden houses on brick foundations, asbestos-cement roof, wooden floors, plank floor, linoleum; physical wear 30-40%; the dormitory building (lit. A-1) was restored in 2019. Billiard room with attic: brick house, foundation – concrete, roof – metal; wooden floor; in 2006, at the expense of the tenant, the building was reconstructed; physical wear – 25%. Kitchen: brick foundation and walls, wooden floors, linoleum floor, physical wear – 25%. Fence: in 2019 it was replaced by a brick one with a metal gate, total length – 143.76 m., height 2.0 m: brickwork and cinder blocks; physical wear – 15%.
The object of privatization, in accordance with the lease agreement dated 30.04.2005 № 249 (as amended), is leased to “Korlis” LLC (USREOU code 38764744), the area of leased property under the lease agreement – 220.38 (245.66) sq. .m., the amount of monthly rent (for January 2021) is UAH5 589.79 without VAT; the term of the contract is until March 2, 2034. The property is leased for the purpose of accommodation of camp sites, motels, summer houses.
Ownership of the privatization object is registered by the state, represented by the Regional Branch of the State Property Fund of Ukraine in Kyiv, Cherkasy and Chernihiv regions, according to the Extract from the State Register of Real Property Rights dated 18.03.2020, object registration number: 304726271215.
The privatization object is located on a state-owned land plot with a total area of 0.19 ha, cadastral number 7121586201: 02: 004: 0018, purpose – for construction and maintenance of recreational facilities; is leased by “Korlis” LLC, under the land lease agreement dated 20.02.2015, the term of the agreement is 02.03.2034.Auction date:09.04.2021 -
Property complex of SOE “Dashavsky plant of composite materials”
Region:LvivProperty complex of SOE “Dashavsky plant of composite materials” (USREOU code 00152402) at the address: Lviv region, Stryj district, Dashava village
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