
Showing 337–348 of 393 results

  • JSC “Titanium Institute”


    Державний пакет акцій розміром 100,0000% статутного капіталу АТ «Інститут титану», що становить 75 311 000 штук акцій. Номінальна вартість пакета акцій – 75 311 000,00 гривень.
    Єдина в Європі комплексна науково-дослідна та проектна установа у галузі виробництва титану і магнію, первинної кольорової металургії.
    АТ «Інститут титану» поєднує у собі проектну частину (ТИТАНПроект), науково-дослідну частину (НДІТитану) з Центром сертифікаційних випробувань кольорових металів, стандартних зразків та метрологічного забезпечення аналітичного контролю (ЦСВМАК), дослідний завод (ЗМДЗ). Така структура забезпечує комплексний підхід до виконання робіт – від розроблення нових технічних рішень та проектно-конструкторських робіт до впровадження високоефективних технологій та досягнення гарантійних показників.

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  • PJSC “Kharkivenergozbut”


    Державний пакет акцій розміром 65,001 відсотка статутного капіталу приватного акціонерного товариства “Харківенергозбут” (код згідно з ЄДРПОУ 42206328), що становить 166 754 183 штук акцій номінальною вартістю 3 335,08366 тис. грн. Розмір статутного капіталу приватного акціонерного товариства “Харківенергозбут” (код згідно з ЄДРПОУ 42206328) – 5 130 815,20 грн. Основний вид діяльності – торгівля електроенергією.

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  • Property complex of SOE “Shabalynivskyi Distillery”


    Property complex of SOE “Shabalynivskyi Distillery” (USREOU code 00375332), located at the address: Chernihiv Oblast, Nizhyn Rayon, Ivanivka village, 1 Zavodska St. The main activity of the enterprise is the manufacture of other organic basic chemicals. Over the past 10 years, the company has not carried out production activities.

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  • Lybid Investment Union LLC

    Kyiv city

    Державна частка розміром 66,65 % у статутному капіталі товариства з обмеженою відповідальністю “Інвестиційний союз “Либідь” (код згідно з ЄДРПОУ 34693827). Статутний капітал товариства становить – 172 761 926,78 грн. Основний вид економічної діяльності – надання в оренду й експлуатацію власного чи орендованого нерухомого майна.

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  • Property complex of SOE “Hotel “Ukraina”


    Property complex of SOE “Hotel “Ukraina” (USREOU code 22926100), located at the address: 4, Institutska St, Kyiv city, Ukraine 01001. Business activity: hotels and similar accommodation.

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  • 100% state-owned stake in PJSC “Hotel “Dnipro”

    Start price:80 923 400

    Hotel “Dnipro” is located in the heart of Kyiv, near the main square of the country – Maidan Nezalezhnosti (Independence Square). The government quarter and the main cultural and historical monuments of Kyiv are located nearby. The main advantages of the hotel are:

    – Excellent transport accessibility due to the location near the main streets and highways of the city, public transport stops and subway;
    – unique views of the park zone of Kyiv and the Dnieper river;
    – large guest parking lot, with a total capacity of 56 parking spaces.

    The hotel has 186 rooms, restaurants, bar, SPA center and several conference rooms.

    The hotel building, with a total area of ​​12 829 sq.m., consists of 12 ground and one technical floors, mezzanine and basement. The rooms are located from 4 to 12 floors. The hotel is located on a plot of land with an area of ​​0.2831 hectares. In addition, in front of the hotel, on a plot of land with an area of ​​0.158 hectares, there is a parking lot. Both plots belong to the company on the right of permanent use.

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  • Separate property of Artemivske operating location and alcohol storage of...

    Start price:29 662 117

    Separate property of Artemivske operating location and alcohol storage of SOE “UKRSPYRT” at the addresses: Kharkiv region, Kharkiv district, Merefa, Yakym Pokrebnyak St. (Revolution St.), Kharkiv region, Kharkiv district, Merefa, Yakym Pokrebnyak St., 1B (Revolution St.), Kharkiv region, Kharkiv district, Merefa, Bdzhilostanchiya St., 16A, Kharkiv region, Kharkiv district, Merefa, Bdzhilostanchiya St., 1A.

    The list consists of 1408 items of buildings, equipment, transport and other property.

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  • Separate property of Ovechatske operating location and alcohol storage of...

    Start price:19 838 823

    Separate property of Ovechatske operating location and alcohol storage of SOE “UKRSPYRT” at the address: Vinnytsia region, Kalynivskyi district, Druzhne village, Promyslova (Zhovtneva) St., 25; Vinnytsia region, Kalynivskyi district, Druzhne village, Promyslova (Zhovtneva) St., 39; Vinnytsia region, Kalynivskyi district, Druzhne village, Promyslova (Zhovtneva) St., 40; Vinnytsia region, Kalynivskyi district, Druzhne village, Promyslova (Zhovtneva) St., 41.

    The list consists of 674 items of buildings, equipment, transport and other property.

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  • Separate property of Lopatyn operating location and alcohol storage of...

    Start price:18 735 537

    Separate property of Lopatyn operating location and alcohol storage of SOE “UKRSPYRT” at the address: Lviv region, Radekhiv district, Lopatyn s.m.t., Zavodska St., 11.

    The list consists of buildings, equipment, transport and other property.

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  • Separate property of Sukhodoly operating location and alcohol storage of...

    Start price:21 674 077

    Separate property of Sukhodoly operating location and alcohol storage of SOE “UKRSPYRT” at the address: Lviv region, Brody district, Sukhodoly village, Zavodska St., 36; Lviv region, Brody district, Ponykovytska village council, “Outside the village”, tract, 4; Lviv region, Brody district, Sukhodoly village.

    The list consists of 534 items of buildings, equipment, transport and other property.

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  • Separate property of Kozliv operating location and alcohol storage of...

    Start price:37 571 564

    Separate property of Kozliv operating location and alcohol storage of SOE “UKRSPYRT” at the address: Ternopil region, Kozliv s.m.t., Zavodska St., 34, Ternopil region, Yastrubove village, Zaliznychna St., 20.

    The list consists of 1084 items of buildings, equipment, transport and other property.

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  • Separate property of Luzhany operating location and alcohol storage of...

    Start price:8 659 517

    Separate property of Luzhany operating location and alcohol storage of SOE “UKRSPYRT” at the address: Chernivtsi region, Kitsman district, Luzhany s.m.t., Zavodkyi Lane, 8N; Chernivtsi region, Kitsman district, Luzhany s.m.t., Tsentralna St., 53; Chernivtsi region, Kitsman district, Luzhany s.m.t., Tsentralna St., 53A; Chernivtsi region, Kitsman district, Luzhany s.m.t., Zavodkyi Lane, 8A.

    The list consists of 920 items of buildings, equipment, transport and other property.

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