Showing 265–276 of 427 results
Property complex of SOE “Podillyatorf”
Region:TernopilProperty complex of SOE “Podillyatorf”
Auction date: -
State block of shares in the amount of 21.524% of...
Region:ChernivtsiState block of shares in the amount of 21.524% of the authorized capital of PJSC ” Chernivtsi Radio Engineering Plant”, with a nominal value of UAH 1,430,494.
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Property complex of SOE “Ust-Dunaisk Commercial Sea Port”
Region:OdesaProperty complex of SOE “Ust-Dunaisk Commercial Sea Port”
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Property Complex of Ukrainian State Design and Technological Research Institute...
Region:Kyiv cityProperty Complex of Ukrainian State Design and Technological Research Institute of Civil Aviation “Ukraeroproekt”.
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Property Complex of SOE “Akademvtorresurs”
Region:Kyiv cityProperty Complex of SOE “Akademvtorresurs”.
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Property Complex of SOE on complete delivery of equipment “Ukrenergokomplekt”
Region:Kyiv cityProperty Complex of SOE on complete delivery of equipment “Ukrenergokomplekt”.
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Property Complex of State Specialized Motor Transport Enterprise of the...
Region:Kyiv cityProperty Complex of State Specialized Motor Transport Enterprise of the State Committee for Television and Radio Broadcasting of Ukraine.
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Property complex of SOE “Bilhorod-Dnistrovskyi morskyi torhovelnyi port” (Belgorod-Dniester sea...
Region:Єдиний майновий комплекс державного підприємства “Білгород-Дністровський морський торговельний порт”
Auction date: -
Property complex of SOE “Rivne Regional Production and Technical Center...
Region:RivneThe administrative building is a two-story brick building, the foundation is concrete, the walls are brick, the floor is concrete, and the roof is roofing material.
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Property Complex of SOE “Poltava Grain Processing Plant”
Region:Єдиний майновий комплекс державного підприємства «Полтавський комбінат хлібопродуктів» за адресою: м. Полтава, вул. Небесної Сотні, 69
Auction date: -
Property Complex of SOE “Ivano-Frankivsk Grain Processing Plant”
Region:Єдиний майновий комплес державного підприємства «Івано-Франківський комбінат хлібопродуктів».
Auction date: -
Property Complex of SOE “Nizhin Grain Processing Plant”
Region:Єдиний майновий комплекс державного підприємства “Ніжинський комбінат хлібопродуктів”.
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