Showing 253–264 of 427 results
LLC “Zaporizhzhya Titanium and Magnesium Plant”
Region:ZaporizhzhiaZaporizhzhya Titanium and Magnesium Plant produces high quality titanium products and offers them for sale. The plant increases production efficiency, modernizes, re-equips and improves its production technology, and effectively works to improve product quality. The quality of ZTMK products is guaranteed by a certified management system in accordance with the requirements of the international standards ISO 9001, EN 9100, ISO 14001, ISO 50001 and ISO 45001.
The technology of titanium production is based on the Krol process – obtaining titanium by magnetothermal reduction of titanium tetrachloride, followed by vacuum distillation. Part of the spongy titanium is used as a raw material for the production of ingots and slabs of titanium and titanium alloys, the rest of the spongy titanium is sold to consumers as marketable products.
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Property complex of SOE ”Ukroboronresursi”
Region:Property complex of SOE ”Ukroboronresursi”.
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Separate property of Storonybaby operating location and alcohol storage of...
Region:LvivSeparate property of Storonybabsky operating location and alcohol storage of SOE “UKRSPYRT” , at the address: 80562, Lviv region, Busky district, Storonybaby village, Zavodska Str., 1.
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Separate property of the state institution “Oleksiyivska сorrectional facility (№25)”
Region:KharkivSeparate property of the state institution “Oleksiyivska сorrectional facility (№25)” at the address: Kharkiv region, Kharkiv district, Podvirky village , Makarenka St., 1; Kharkiv region, Kharkiv district, Podvirky village , Makarenka St., 1G; Kharkiv region, Kharkiv district, Podvirky village , Makarenka St., 1E; Kharkiv region, Kharkiv district, Podvirky village , Makarenka St., 1D.
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Children’s Health Center “Yunyy sudnoremontnyk”
Region:OdesaThe property complex consists of buildings and structures with a total area of 2180.6 sq.m., including sleeping quarters, dining room, cinema, toilet, shower room, sheds, other property.
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50%+1 share block of shares of JSC “Ukrnaftoprodukt”
Region:Kyiv cityMain activity of the company – leasing and operation of own or leased real estate.
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Property Complex of SOE “Volyntorf”
Region:VolynProperty Complex of SOE “Volyntorf” (USREOU code 00426302) at the address: Volyn region, Manevychi district, Prylisne village, 15, Soine St.
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Property Complex of the Structural Unit (vodka bottling workshop) of...
Region:TernopilProperty Complex of the Structural Unit (vodka bottling workshop) of the Buchach Maltose Plant
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State-owned stake in LLC Research and production and commercial small...
Region:LvivState-owned stake in LLC Research and production and commercial small enterprise Borrix, which is 24,0517% of the authorized capital of LLC, nominal value of the share – UAH 2.79.
The company does not own buildings, structures, non-residential premises.
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State block of shares in the amount of 99,6667% of...
Region:LvivState block of shares in the amount of 99,6667% of the authorized capital of PJSC “Ukrzakhidvuglebud” which is 44637304 shares with a total nominal value of UAH 11,159,326.00.
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Separate property of the state institution “Mykolayiv сorrectional facility (№50)”
Region:LvivSeparate property of the state institution “Mykolayiv сorrectional facility (№50)” , at the address: Lviv region, Stryj district (former – Mykolayiv district), Derzhiv village, Lesi Ukrainkу St., 170.
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