State block of shares in the amount of 100% of the authorised capital of JSC “Radiorele Plant”

Categories: , , Status: being prepared

The nominal value of the block of shares is UAH 234,385,000 thousand. The value of the JSC’s assets for 9 months of 2024 is UAH 212103.0 thousand. Current liabilities (for 9 months of 2024) – UAH 3,113.0 thousand, overdue accounts payable – UAH 2,414.0 thousand. Total area of real estate – 49,137.2 sq.m. Number of vehicles – 12. There is property not subject to privatisation on the balance sheet. The land plot is not included in the privatization object. More detailed information about the object and conditions of sale is contained in the information notification.

Object documentation

An auction is expected


Name of the privatization object: state block of shares in the amount of 100% of the authorized capital of JSC “Radiorele Plant”.

Location: 181, Aerokosmichnyi Ave., Kharkiv city.

USREOU code (ЄДРПОУ): 32444638.

Amount of the Company’s authorized capital: UAH 234,385,000.0.

State-owned block of shares in the amount of 234,385,000 shares, which is 100% of the company’s authorised capital.

Average number of employees as of 30.09.2024: 66 people.

The main type of economic activity according to the Charter: manufacture of electricity distribution and control apparatus.

Volume of sales of products (work, services) for the period of 2021 – Q3 2024: UAH 39,263.0 thousand, including export – UAH 21,547.0 thousand.

The main product range: low-current, miniature, electromagnetic switches and relays.

Volume and main nomenclature of products (works, services):

Period Total income

thousand UAH

Income by main activity

thousand UAH

2021 22680 19022
2022 10024 9281
2023 6771 6360
Q3 2024 5550 4600

Main financial indicators:

# Indicators

(thousand UAH)

2021 2022 2023 Q3 2024
1. Assets 241 457 228 072 219 060 212 103
1.1 Fixed assets 185 398 177 271 169 042 162 872
1.2 Current assets 42 873 37 656 36 908 36 141
2. Equity 238 244 227 843 216 130 208 990
3. Total income, including: 22 680 10 024 6 771 5 550
3.1 Net income from sales of products (goods, works, services) 19 022 9 281 6 360 4 600
4. Total costs, including: 24 555 19 139 18 436 12 643
4.1 Cost of goods sold (goods, works, services) 13 656 5 472 4 048 3 066
4.2 Administrative costs 9 219 6 349 5 866 3 207
4.4 Other operating costs 1 147 7 016 8 261 6 232
4.6 Income tax expenses 0 0 0 0
5. Net profit (loss) – 1 875 – 9 115 – 11 665 – 7 093

As of 30.09.2024:

Overdue accounts payable – UAH 2,414.0 thousand, including:

  • wage arrears – UAH 755.0 thousand;
  • debt to the budget – UAH 697.0 thousand;
  • insurance arrears – UAH 101.0 thousand;
  • other accounts payable – UAH 861.0 thousand.

Information about the object (real estate): the object includes 5 units of real estate (non-residential buildings, a warehouse building, a workshop building, etc.) with a total area of 49,137.2 sq. m, located at the following addresses:

  • 181, Aerokosmichnyi Ave., Kharkiv city;
  • 6, Kadenyuka St., Kharkiv city.

Information on land plot located at the following address: 181, Aerokosmichnyi Ave., Kharkiv city:

Land area (ha) Cadastral number Purpose of the land plot Form of ownership, grounds for the right to use the land plot, information on encumbrances
4.0960 6310136900:08:001:0010 For the operation and maintenance of non-residential buildings and structures State,

State act for the right of permanent use of the land plot dated 29.11.2011, series YaYa No. 309689

Vehicles information: 12 units of vehicles and special equipment manufactured in 1983-2013, including 1 unit transferred to a military unit under the act of acceptance and transfer of vehicles and equipment dated 04.04.2023.

List of assets (movable property) that are recorded on the balance sheet of the enterprise and are part of the privatization object as of 30.09.2024 (for more details see the appendix to the information notification):

  • equipment, furniture, inventory, etc. – 3510 inventory items;
  • technical literature, reference books, manuals – 114 inventory items;
  • intangible assets – 41 inventory items.

No property was leased out.

The company’s balance sheet includes the following objects that are not subject to privatization: residential premises (13 residential premises (rooms) at the address: 6-B, Kyrhizka St., Kharkiv city), protective structure No. 77890 with a total area of 1,917.9 sq. m located in the basement of the non-residential building at 181, Aerokosmichnyi Ave., Kharkiv city, as well as 1300 inventory items (weapons – 17 items, ammunition – 1283 items), UAZ-3151 vehicle, state number 037-85ХВ (it is transferred to Kominternivskyi United District Military Commissariat in Kharkiv city).

Volumes of emissions and discharges of pollutants into the environment, generation and disposal of waste, information on payment of environmental fees and charges:

  • waste disposal: hazard class 3 – 4.092 tonnes;
  • environmental payments for 2023 (according to the environmental tax return): UAH 2,080.04 accrued, UAH 1,040.02 paid (for waste disposal).

Information on the presence/absence of mobilization tasks: the company has no mobilization tasks (orders).

Privatization conditions:

  • repayment of debts on wages and to the budget within 6 months;
  • preventing the dismissal of employees during 6 months.

Time and place of the object inspection: by prior arrangement with a representative of JSC ‘Radiorele Plant’ on business days at the following address: 181, Aerokosmichnyi Ave., Kharkiv city.

Responsible person: Maksim O. Yeryomenko Acting General Director of JSC ‘Radiorele Plant’, phone for inquiries: +380503649035.

Auction organizer: Regional Branch of the State Property Fund of Ukraine in Kharkiv Oblast, address: 61057, Kharkiv Oblast, Kharkiv city, 1, Maidan Teatralny St., website:,  phone for inquiries: (+38057) 7007773.

Contact person of the auction organizer: Oksana O. Saliy, Chief Desk Officer of the Privatization and Corporate Governance Department, phone for inquiries: +38057 700-75-60, e-mail address:

Additional information

Part Capital 100
Asset address 181, Aerokosmichnyi Ave., Kharkiv city, Ukraine, 61105
Region Kharkiv
Type of activity according to NACE 27.12 Production of electrical distribution and control equipment (main);
27.51 Manufacture of electrical household appliances;
46.90 Non-specialized wholesale trade;
47.19 Other types of retail trade in non-specialized stores.
Responsible for the preparation of the object REGIONAL BRANCH OF THE STATE PROPERTY FUND OF UKRAINE IN KHARKIV REGION, USREOU code 44223324
Contact person for the object Natalia Valeriivna Aleynyk, +38 057 700 75 60,
The act by which the object is included in the List of privatization objects Order of the State Property Fund of Ukraine dated February 3, 2022 No. 157 "On Amendments to Order of the State Property Fund of Ukraine dated January 4, 2022 No. 1 "On Approval of Lists of Small Privatization Objects Subject to Privatization in 2022 (with Amendments)"
Order of the SPFU RV on the decision on privatization № 00723 dated 15.11.2022
Method of privatization Auction with/without conditions

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