Small privatization
Showing 61–72 of 159 results
State block of shares in the amount of 21.524% of...
Region:ChernivtsiState block of shares in the amount of 21.524% of the authorized capital of PJSC ” Chernivtsi Radio Engineering Plant”, with a nominal value of UAH 1,430,494.
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Property Complex of the Novodnistrovsk State Sewing and Knitting Factory
Region:ChernivtsiThere is no real estate in the property complex of the enterprise.
Balance holder: Property Complex of the Novodnistrovsk State Sewing and Knitting Factory.
The balance sheet value of assets is UAH 196.4 thousand.
The property complex includes 417 units of fixed assets, including: vehicles – 2 units, other non-current assets – 415 units. The company’s fixed assets and stocks are stored in a leased warehouse.
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Property complex of SOE “Ust-Dunaisk Commercial Sea Port”
Region:OdesaProperty complex of SOE “Ust-Dunaisk Commercial Sea Port”
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Property Complex of SOE of Road Communications, Information Support and...
Region:Kyiv cityThe property complex of SOE “Ukrdorzvyazok” has its branches in three cities of Ukraine: Lviv, Zhytomyr, Donetsk and workshops in all regional centers.
SPC of SOE “Ukrdorzvyazok” provides radio communication in all divisions of SJSC “Ukravtodor”, builds new ones, and operates existing telecommunication lines, which cover almost the entire network of the main highways of Ukraine. The company also has a nationwide network of towers for the location of antennas with the necessary communications. Each branch has its own mobile electrical measurement laboratory and communication laboratory.
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Property Complex of Ukrainian State Design and Technological Research Institute...
Region:Kyiv cityProperty Complex of Ukrainian State Design and Technological Research Institute of Civil Aviation “Ukraeroproekt”.
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Property Complex of SOE “Akademvtorresurs”
Region:Kyiv cityProperty Complex of SOE “Akademvtorresurs”.
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Property Complex of SOE on complete delivery of equipment “Ukrenergokomplekt”
Region:Kyiv cityProperty Complex of SOE on complete delivery of equipment “Ukrenergokomplekt”.
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Property Complex of State Specialized Motor Transport Enterprise of the...
Region:Kyiv cityProperty Complex of State Specialized Motor Transport Enterprise of the State Committee for Television and Radio Broadcasting of Ukraine.
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Property complex of SOE “Bilhorod-Dnistrovskyi morskyi torhovelnyi port” (Belgorod-Dniester sea...
Region:Єдиний майновий комплекс державного підприємства “Білгород-Дністровський морський торговельний порт”
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Property complex of SOE “Rivne Regional Production and Technical Center...
Region:RivneThe administrative building is a two-story brick building, the foundation is concrete, the walls are brick, the floor is concrete, and the roof is roofing material.
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Non-residential premises of the administrative building with a total area...
Region:RivneNon-residential premises of the administrative building with a total area of 245.7 square meters, including the area of the staircase of the 2nd floor is 17.0 sq.m., the area of the stairwell of the 5th floor is 16.3 sq.m., the premises of the 1st floor are 48.4 sq.m. (including: corridor – 2.3 sq.m., corridor – 29.1 sq.m., stairwell – 17.0 sq.m.), basement – 164.0 sq.m. (including: stairwell – 14.7 sq.m., pantry – 6.3 sq.m., archive – 56.7 sq.m., corridor – 12.0 sq.m., pantry – 8.6 sq.m., storeroom – 14.1 sq.m., corridor – 11.1 sq.m., archive – 40.5 sq.m.)
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Property Complex of SOE “Poltava Grain Processing Plant”
Region:Єдиний майновий комплекс державного підприємства «Полтавський комбінат хлібопродуктів» за адресою: м. Полтава, вул. Небесної Сотні, 69
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