Small privatization
Showing 25–36 of 159 results
Separate property of Novi Borovychi operating location and alcohol storage of...
Region:ChernihivSeparate property of Novi Borovychi operating location and alcohol storage of SOE “UKRSPYRT” at the address: Chernihiv region, Koryukiv district, Novi Borovichi village, Zavodska St., 1, Zavodska St., 7b, Kamka village, Robitnychiy lane, 12, Robitnychiy lane, 9, room 2. The list consists of 477 names of buildings, equipment, movable and other property and is attached at separate files. Please note that the land under the object of privatization is not the object of sale, the questions of land use the buyer decides independently.
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Recreation center “Svitanok”
Region:MykolayivDormitory house – 161.0 sq.m., bedroom house – 31.4 sq.m., bedroom house – 31.4 sq.m., bedroom house – 31.4 sq.m., dining room – 45.4 sq.m., warehouse-garage, toilet room, showers, a shed with a sink, a shower cabin, a canopy over a biotoilet, fences, wickets, gates, paving. Other assets: metal tank, garbage container, television antenna, etc.
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Recreation center “Oril”
Region:DniproObject – Recreation center “Oril” consists of: a summer house with an area of 14.7 sq. m.; summer house with an area of 15.0 sq. m.; summer house with an area of 16.6 sq. m.; summer house with an area of 14.9 sq. m.; summer house with an area of 15.2 sq. m.; summer house with an area of 18.7 sq. m.; summer house with an area of 17.8 sq. m.; summer house with an area of 16.5 sq. m.; summer house with an area of 15.7 sq. m.; summer house with an area of 15.5 sq. m.; summer house with an area of 15.3 sq. m.; summer house with an area of 15.2 sq. m.; summer house with an area of 15.1 sq. m.; summer house with an area of 15.1 sq. m.; summer house with an area of 25.2 sq. m.; summer house with an area of 15.1 sq. m.; summer house with an area of 15.2 sq. m.; summer house with an area of 15.1 sq. m.; summer house with an area of 15 sq. m.; kitchen building with an area of 70.9 sq. m.; game pavilion with an area of 53.1 sq. m.; warehouse with an area of 59.4 sq. m.; toilet; summer shower; fence; well; drain; canopy. State registration of ownership dated 24.10.2017, registration number of the real estate object – 927150812214.
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Separate property of the state institution “Pryluky correctional colony”
Region:ChernihivSeparate property of the state institution “Pryluky correctional colony” consisting of 40 inventory units, at the address: Chernihiv region, Pryluky, Kyivska St., 234; Industrialna St., 4d.
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Property Complex of SOE “Scientific Center of Precision Engineering”
Region:Kyiv cityThe enterprice specializes in research and experimental developments in the field of other natural and technical sciences.
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Covered car parking building with an area of 453.7 sq....
Region:Ivano-FrankivskAuction date: -
Separate property of the state institution “Oleksiyivska сorrectional facility (№25)”
Region:KharkivSeparate property of the state institution “Oleksiyivska сorrectional facility (№25)” at the address: Kharkiv region, Kharkiv district, Podvirky village , Makarenka St., 1; Kharkiv region, Kharkiv district, Podvirky village , Makarenka St., 1G; Kharkiv region, Kharkiv district, Podvirky village , Makarenka St., 1E; Kharkiv region, Kharkiv district, Podvirky village , Makarenka St., 1D.
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State-owned stake in LLC Research and production and commercial small...
Region:LvivState-owned stake in LLC Research and production and commercial small enterprise Borrix, which is 24,0517% of the authorized capital of LLC, nominal value of the share – UAH 2.79.
The company does not own buildings, structures, non-residential premises.
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Property complex of the state enterprise “Brailiv juice factory”
Region:VinnytsiaProperty complex of the state enterprise “Brailiv juice factory” at the address of Vinnytsia region, Zhmerynka district, Brailiv smt., 10 Chaikovsky St.
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Property complex of SOE “Azov Shipyard”
Region:DonetskThe object includes more than 100 real estate objects, recreation center and property that is not subject to privatization.
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