
Small privatization

Showing 121–132 of 161 results

  • Property complex of SOE “Training and production workshops”


    Property complex of SOE “Training and production workshops” (USREOU code 00274660) includes: motor vehicle – 1 unit (ZIL – 138 freight car, vehicle type: onboard-C, year of manufacture 1983, gas-cylinder equipment is installed, satisfactory condition), equipment and machinery for production purposes, tools, devices, inventory. There are no buildings and their separate parts on the balance sheet of the enterprise. The main activity in accordance with the Charter is the production of other furniture. The company has not carried out economic and production activities since 2012. As of 31.03.2024 overdue accounts payable are UAH 268.4 thousand, including: debt for goods, works, services is UAH 262.3 thousand and arrears according to calculations with the budget are UAH 6.1 thousand.

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  • State block of shares in the authorized capital of JSC...


    Пакет акцій у розмірі 100% статутного капіталу АТ “Науково-дослідний інститут по збагаченню та агломерації руд чорних металів “МЕХАНОБРЧОРМЕТ”. Статутний капітал АТ “Науково-дослідний інститут по збагаченню та агломерації руд чорних металів “МЕХАНОБРЧОРМЕТ” складає 8 465 400,00 грн.

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  • Canteen with equipment (97 units of movable property) consisting of:...


    Їдальня з обладнанням (97 одиниць рухомого майна) у складі:
    – гараж на території їдальні, інв.№ 127 загальною площею 57,0 кв.м;
    – склад на території їдальні інв. № 166 загальною площею 116,2 кв.м;
    – склад під обладнання їдальні інв. № 168 загальною площею 50,0 кв.м;
    – павільйон ПК – 2У Кострома – кулінарія інв. № 1830 загальною площею 135,1 кв.м;
    – їдальня, інв. № 7 загальною площею 2604,5 кв.м;
    – асфальтова площадка біля складу їдальні №1 інв. № 215.
    Об’єкт розташований за адресою: Запорізька обл., м. Запоріжжя, Дніпровське шосе, 9

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  • Building with a total area of 691.5 sq.m.

    Kyiv city

    Separate property – a building with a total area of 691.5 sq.m., at the address: Kyiv city, 11-A Tupikova Generala/19A Desnianska St., which is on the balance sheet of the state enterprise “Production Association “Kyivprilad”.

    The building is a three-story building; year of construction – 1983; foundation – concrete; the walls are brick; roof – slate; floor – reinforced concrete; floor – linoleum, parquet. Information about the land plot: absent.


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  • Property complex of SOE “TVK”


    The main activity of the enterprise: provision of other individual services

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  • Property complex of SOE “Ukrpostachpresa”


    The main activities of the enterprice: wholesale trade in other household goods.

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  • Property complex of SOE “State Institute of Labor and Socio-Economic...


    2 objects of immovable property are part of the complex: non-residential premises located in a building (an architectural monument) in the city of Kharkiv, 1 Sumska St. and the garage at Kharkiv, 7 Lazkivskiy Ave. The property is partially leased. The value of assets as of June 30, 2022 is UAH 701,000.

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  • Passenger pavilion in Luzanivka


    The facility is a pavilion with an area of 13.14 sq.m. with an open area of 812.54 sq.m. located around the pavilion.
    The object is registered. Registration number: 51506550. Date of registration: 22.12.2015. The object is currently leased.

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  • Canteen building #15 for 100 seats with a total area...


    Canteen building #15 for 100 seats – one-story building with a basement with a total area of 556.6 sq.m. (1st floor – 348.2 sq.m., basement – 208.4 sq.m.) and a porch with the base area is 9.8 sq.m. The year of construction is 1961. The walls of the building are made of brick, the ceiling is made of reinforced concrete slabs. The building is connected to electricity, water supply and a heating system. Ownership was registered on September 14, 2017. Object registration number 1355413812110.

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  • Property complex of SOE “State Design and Research Institute “Ukrenergomerezhproekt”


    The main type of activity is activity in the field of architecture. During 2018-2021, the enterprise did not carry out economic activity. The value of assets as of September 30, 2022 is UAH 70,202.00 thousand. The property is located in Kharkiv, Kyiv, Dnipro and Lviv. The total area of real estate is 19,544.10 sq.m. The property is partially leased.

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  • Canteen #11 with property in the amount of 4 units


    Canteen #11 with property in the amount of 4 units at the adress: Dnipropetrovsk region, Kryvyi Rih city, 84 Pereyaslavska St. Balance holder – JSC “Southern Mining and Processing Plant”.

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  • Property complex of SOE “Regional research and experimental complex”


    До складу нерухомого майна державного підприємства входять господарчий майданчик, під’їзна дорога, кіоск, башня Рожновського, інкубаційний цех, дамби, шлюз регульований, залізобетонний причал, склад кормів, верховини, склад кормів, гараж, будинки рибака, вбиральня, будівлі лабораторії, льодовика, вагової, навіси, басейн, огорожа.
    Нерухоме майно підприємства розташовано в Біляївському р-ні, Роздільнянському р-ні.

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