All privatization objects are divided into small-scale and large-scale privatization objects.
Objects of small-scale privatization include not only state-owned enterprises and stakes but also objects of unfinished construction and socio-cultural purposes, separate movable and immovable property, the value of which does not exceed UAH 250 million. If the cost of the object is higher than UAH 250 million – these are large-scale privatization objects, to which only state-owned enterprises and share packages can apply. Usually, such objects require more time for pre-privatization preparation, attraction of potential buyers and their familiarization with information about the enterprise.
How to buy a privatization object?
All privatization objects are sold exclusively through ProZorro.Sale online auctions. This system is based on the principles of full transparency – publication of lists of objects, the announcement of conditions, holding auctions and determination of winners – all this is done publicly and openly to completely avoid corruption.

7 simple steps to participate in an auction and become an owner of a small-scale privatization object:
- See the list of all objects on the page “Small-scale privatization” of this website, on ProZorro.Sale website or on website of any electronic marketplace that works with ProZorro.Sale and is authorized to participate in sale of small-scale privatization objects.
- Choose an object, study information, and the terms of its sale.
- Register on any of dozens authorized marketplaces connected to the system – bidding information is identical on all marketplaces.
- Apply for participation in an auction through a personal account on marketplace site:
– Upload the necessary documents specified in the requirements for participants.
– Pay guarantee and registration fees.
– Submit a price offer for an auction. - Take part in an auction and win.
- Pass the qualification:
– Until the end of an auction, the organizer does not interact with a buyer and does not know who is participating in an auction.
– Participant’s documents are checked after an auction.
– Provide additional documents to the organizer (if necessary) to confirm the status of the winner.
– Sign an auction protocol. - Pay the value of an object, sign a purchase agreement, and you are the new owner.
Step-by-step instructions for a potential buyer of a large-scale privatization object can be downloaded here
Step-by-step instructions for a potential buyer of a small-scale privatization object can be downloaded here
Purchase agreement drafts can be downloaded here
How to get more information about an object? How virtual data rooms work?
Information on privatization objects is posted on this website, on the official website of the Fund and on ProZorro.Sale website. The Fund also provides access to virtual data rooms (VDRs) for most privatization objects, which typically include available constituent, permitting, organizational, operational, claim and title documents, labor documents, financial statements and contracts. The main purpose of such disclosure is to simplify access to information, remove corruption in its receipt, and increase the transparency of privatization process.
All available documents on objects are placed in virtual data rooms, which are temporarily hosted on the Google Drive platform and open to all interested parties at the same time – after the announcement of the auction:
To gain access, you simply need to click on the virtual data room link in the object card on this site.
in the case of documents and information containing confidential information and/or trade secrets, access to such information in the virtual data room requires the signing of a non-disclosure agreement (NDA).
These are the steps for process of signing NDA:
1) Download and fill in the Application form (it is obligatory to indicate registered on the Google platform e-mail, phone, and postal address) and the Agreement on non-disclosure of confidential information by a potential buyer (3 copies). Download here
Copies of the following documents must be attached to the Application and Agreement:
For potential buyer – private individual
a copy of a passport or another identity document. Copies must be certified by a signature indicating the surname and initials, the phrase “According to the original”, as well as the date.
For potential buyer – legal entity
a copy of the extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, Individual Entrepreneurs and Public Associations (EDR) or an extract from the trade, banking, court register (for a non-resident legal entity); a copy of the order of appointment, power of attorney or other document certifying the authority of the head (representative) of the legal entity, who signed the application, as well as a copy of passport or another identity document of such head (representative). Copies must be certified by the signature of the head (authorized representative) indicating his name and initials, with the phrase “According to the original”, the date of certification, as well as the seal of the legal entity (if there is any). Documents issued in accordance with the legislation of a foreign state must be legalized (consular legalization or apostille) in the prescribed manner unless otherwise provided by international treaties.
2) Send the completed Application and Agreement along with other documents by mail to the privatization institution address or deliver it in person (18/9 Generala Almazova St., Kyiv, Ukraine 01133; mailbox – on the first floor of the administrative building), or to any regional branch of the Fund. If you have any additional questions, please call: +38 (044) 200-33-09, 200-30-27.
3) After concluding the Agreement, you will receive an invitation to the section of the virtual data room, which contains documents and information containing confidential information and/or trade secrets, to the e-mail specified in the Application.
4) One copy of the Agreement will be sent to the postal address of a potential buyer.
Each privatization object has a contact person responsible for preparing an object for privatization, as well as a person responsible for a in-site access to an object and a schedule of such access. This information about is listed on a page of each object.
If you have any questions about privatization process, an object or need an access to data rooms, please write to, leave questions in Q&A section of object’s page, or call Fund’s contact center +380-800-50-56-46.